Hiho everybody.
Sadly enough this summer wasn't the sunniest, and even worse is the fact that I had almost always no dive buddy.
Though, I couldn't resist to spend the sunny days at the local quarry.
To be on the save side I limit my dives to a maximum of 1:30 with atleast 2-3 mins of rest. These times arn't really challanging and dives end without any strugle.
I know there are other people on this forum who are in a similar situation.
What are you doing to ensure a save dive? How did you learn to listen to signs of warning of your body? What are these signs and when do you know it is time to surface?
I don't want a guarantee. Just share your experiance of diving alone.
Don't mistake me. Short dives can be fun aswell!
Sadly enough this summer wasn't the sunniest, and even worse is the fact that I had almost always no dive buddy.
Though, I couldn't resist to spend the sunny days at the local quarry.
To be on the save side I limit my dives to a maximum of 1:30 with atleast 2-3 mins of rest. These times arn't really challanging and dives end without any strugle.
I know there are other people on this forum who are in a similar situation.
What are you doing to ensure a save dive? How did you learn to listen to signs of warning of your body? What are these signs and when do you know it is time to surface?
I don't want a guarantee. Just share your experiance of diving alone.
Don't mistake me. Short dives can be fun aswell!