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diving in O’ahu?

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whats up jason,
A 50" gun is the perfect size for reef diving in hawaii (I have a 50" wong, my favorite). I never dove oahu before, but from what I hear the fish are much more "educated" than other hawaiian islands. Bluewater diving is done year round here, but you would have to hook up with guys with a boat. I would recommend trying to contact the people at Hanapa'a Hawaii or Daryl Wong to get some serious diving in. Both are really nice and if they cannot arrange something, I'm sure they can point you in the right direction. There are also another community forum at the Hawaii Skin Diver website, lots of friendly young divers who are always looking for people to dive with.
Here is the state regulations on fishes and legal areas to go.http://www.state.hi.us/dlnr/dar/fish_regs/index.htm
In hawaii, we usually target Uhu (parrotfish), Papio/omilu/Ulua (jacks/trevally), Kumu/moana kali (goatfishes), and Kala (Unicorn and surgeon fish).
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