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Diving naked in freezing waters with belugas!

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Ha ha, nice, don't sweat it, it happens. And the mods are friendly... (I hope they bought that and don't beat me again...)
And they posted it on YouTube and got away with nudity? Hey, call it science or art and you can do anything! :D
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For those who failed to recognise the "female scientist" it's Natalia Avceenko, the former Russian CNF World record holder (-57m) Who also visits Dahab frequently and is a freediving instructor too.

The article writes in clouded way that she hold her breath for up to 10'40" - But I reckon it's the time she is in the freezing -1,8c water, still amazing!


Great photos!
Actually Natalie has done statics over 10 minutes, the article is correct. She was in the water for 12 minutes.
Were those 10+ statics with pure O2? With normal air we're looking at a world class, world record performance! - For clairity sake, we're talking about Natalia Avcheenko, not Natalia Molchanova.
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