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Diving Sri Lanka Post Tsunami

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.

Robin Killner

New Member
Dec 4, 2005
Hello everyone,
This is all new to me as a 39 year old computer illiterate wally, although I hail from Southampton on the South coast of England, I now live and work in Kuwait. One of the latest articles on this site was written by my good mate Paul Keeley, and together with Mike and Jeremy Dalton we all travelled down to Tangalle on the South Eastern Coast of Sri Lanka in August, the report that you may have already read just about hits the nail on the head, very little support of any kind is actually reaching these areas. It really was an eye opener for all of us. Francesca from Scuba San Francisco and all of her team has done a fantastic job in that area of Sri Lanka, unless you have visited there in recent months and seen for yourselves what we (the Mantas Dive Team) discovered it is very difficult to try and explain the situation. I strongly advise all of you to give her 100% support in any way that you can. If you would like to know more then please reply, I would be very interested in your comments.

many thanks
Reactions: island_sands

Hi Robin!

Welcome to Deeper Blue! Here's the link to your dive report

Francesca Koe is also Co-Scuba Editor along with me, of Deeper Blue.

Thanks for all your efforts in Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka holds a special place for me as one of my best friends who passed away recently, survived the Tsunami in Sri Lanka with her husband, by the skin of their teeth. Earlier this year when they healed from their Tsunami injuries they returned to Sri Lanka to build a home for the people who had helped them in December. There is certainly lots to do in Sri Lanka and the other affected countries and we should assist where we can.

If I ever have the chance I will certainly visit, I know that Francesca is looking for more volunteers early next year.

Anyway, thanks again for your contribution Robin, and a big hello to the Kuwait Mantas Team from Dubai!

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