Octo came for a blitz weekend of diving. On Saturday we drove to Todd Lake, a small lake about 45 minutes away, and only about 58 deep. It was a mud hole in the middle and past -20f. Octo stuck one arm in the muck at the bottom up to his shoulder on his first dive to -58f when he crashed into it before he saw it. Only good thing about the diving was the scenery and some beautiful trout in the shallows.
The next day we drove 2 hours to Waldo Lake high in the Cascades. Along the way we developed the ChiChi and Elwood series from a discussion we were having about how to get rid of persistent telephone salespeople. We laughed so much we got headaches and our abs were sore.
Waldo is a large lake with 178f of depth and the temperature was about 10c/50f. The visability was 70+f. I have seen better - much better. It was still gorgeous. Apart from the beautiful water and the stunning mountain scenery diving Waldo is especially nice as there is little boat traffic. Motorboats are restricted to 5mph and other restriction. We only saw one houseboat creeping along and some sailboats but mostly other canoes and kayaks and only a few of those. The weather was perfect. I dove in my 7mm Picasso biotermic camu and Octo in his 5mm Picasso biotermic. We weighted for neutral at approximately -30f after deep dives which were weighted at about -60f neutral. Both of us used Picasso BT fins, BT masks, 5mm booties, and 3mm gloves.
We paddled along the north shore past islands and inlets to a deep cove and both of us hit -120f. Pretty good for being a mile above sea level. After a couple hours of deep diving we paddled halfway back and stopped at a small island to rest then explored the water around the island. As we came to the west point of the island and surfaced after what was apparently a long dive we surprize a young couple in carnal bliss. I resisted the temptation to make my famous seallion mating bark. We did enjoy their attempt to scramble into their clothes while still looking casual.
The afternoon breeze was fortuitious, so from the island we drift dived back to boat launch. We had about 10f line off the canoe and took turns holding it while we watched the other dive. This trip took several hours and pulled us over shallows and deeps, flat open stretches, boulders, and flat rock formations. We covered several miles this way and only stopped when ran out of lake. Along about 8 pm I noticed my arms felt a little cold but by then I was so tired that breathing up was exhausting. Fortunately this occured shortly before we beached.
After the disorienting feeling of learning to stand up was over we loaded up and started for home. ChiChi and Elwood episodes 10 - 15 were developed on the ride back. Remember to look for such memorable shows as ChiChi and Elwood get a BandSaw or ChiChi and Elwood get a Package from UPS, and the definitive classic and all-time favorite, the original episode that started it all - ChiChi and Elwood get a Telephone Call from the Mercury News Circulation Department.
This was truly one of my best days of diving ever. We got home about 10pm and Octo his son Ivan caught their 7:30am flight out. It was sad to see them leave after such a short visit and knowing that we probably won't get together againg until the winter holidays. But at least we have ChiChi and Elwood to get us through the sorrow of having to get up at 5:30 am to get these guys to the airport. What idiot made these reservation anyway. What a day, Angus
The next day we drove 2 hours to Waldo Lake high in the Cascades. Along the way we developed the ChiChi and Elwood series from a discussion we were having about how to get rid of persistent telephone salespeople. We laughed so much we got headaches and our abs were sore.
Waldo is a large lake with 178f of depth and the temperature was about 10c/50f. The visability was 70+f. I have seen better - much better. It was still gorgeous. Apart from the beautiful water and the stunning mountain scenery diving Waldo is especially nice as there is little boat traffic. Motorboats are restricted to 5mph and other restriction. We only saw one houseboat creeping along and some sailboats but mostly other canoes and kayaks and only a few of those. The weather was perfect. I dove in my 7mm Picasso biotermic camu and Octo in his 5mm Picasso biotermic. We weighted for neutral at approximately -30f after deep dives which were weighted at about -60f neutral. Both of us used Picasso BT fins, BT masks, 5mm booties, and 3mm gloves.
We paddled along the north shore past islands and inlets to a deep cove and both of us hit -120f. Pretty good for being a mile above sea level. After a couple hours of deep diving we paddled halfway back and stopped at a small island to rest then explored the water around the island. As we came to the west point of the island and surfaced after what was apparently a long dive we surprize a young couple in carnal bliss. I resisted the temptation to make my famous seallion mating bark. We did enjoy their attempt to scramble into their clothes while still looking casual.
The afternoon breeze was fortuitious, so from the island we drift dived back to boat launch. We had about 10f line off the canoe and took turns holding it while we watched the other dive. This trip took several hours and pulled us over shallows and deeps, flat open stretches, boulders, and flat rock formations. We covered several miles this way and only stopped when ran out of lake. Along about 8 pm I noticed my arms felt a little cold but by then I was so tired that breathing up was exhausting. Fortunately this occured shortly before we beached.
After the disorienting feeling of learning to stand up was over we loaded up and started for home. ChiChi and Elwood episodes 10 - 15 were developed on the ride back. Remember to look for such memorable shows as ChiChi and Elwood get a BandSaw or ChiChi and Elwood get a Package from UPS, and the definitive classic and all-time favorite, the original episode that started it all - ChiChi and Elwood get a Telephone Call from the Mercury News Circulation Department.
This was truly one of my best days of diving ever. We got home about 10pm and Octo his son Ivan caught their 7:30am flight out. It was sad to see them leave after such a short visit and knowing that we probably won't get together againg until the winter holidays. But at least we have ChiChi and Elwood to get us through the sorrow of having to get up at 5:30 am to get these guys to the airport. What idiot made these reservation anyway. What a day, Angus