Frankly, I don't think so. But it's so accepted...lots of people seem to think that just BEING in shallow water is dangerous, or that you can only black out in shallows. Well, I've never experienced anything close to that, and neither has anybody I have ever known or talked to.
My biggest reason for thinking that this is just another PADI/NAUI myth is Underwater Hockey. When you spend thousands of hours around hundreds of people who dive repeatedly in pools--exerting to the max, pushing the limits of their breathhold, going down with shortened recovery periods, driven by competitive spirit--and NEVER see anybody pass out you have to wonder.
For those who haven't noticed, NAUI WAUI and such have a history of inventing problems and creating weird rituals, probably to protect themselves from any conceivable lawsuit.
But really, does this thing actually exist? Have YOU ever blacked out? How about it?
My biggest reason for thinking that this is just another PADI/NAUI myth is Underwater Hockey. When you spend thousands of hours around hundreds of people who dive repeatedly in pools--exerting to the max, pushing the limits of their breathhold, going down with shortened recovery periods, driven by competitive spirit--and NEVER see anybody pass out you have to wonder.
For those who haven't noticed, NAUI WAUI and such have a history of inventing problems and creating weird rituals, probably to protect themselves from any conceivable lawsuit.
But really, does this thing actually exist? Have YOU ever blacked out? How about it?