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Dogfish lesse spotted

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Paul M

Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2007
Hi all!
Anybody have any idea about Dogfish (lesser spotted one)? I met a few specimen (60 - 70 cm long), but I didn't know, are they worth to hunt so I left them alive. I mean, are they edible?
Paul M

I have caught loads of LSDs in the past by rod and lining them, I have tried a few but I have never personally found them to be any good. The best recipe we found was for fishcakes. They are sold around London as rock salmon in chip shops so must have some edible value (although I have never discovered it). They are easy to catch when spearing, I have regularly caught them by hand and let them go again, I have never bothered spearing one though. You'd be better concentrating on silver and flatfish in my opinion.


Hello, Ben and Davie!
Thanks for advices. I think, I should to take one LSD and to try it.
Regards, Paul M
Hi Paul,

quick note... all cartilage fish are easy to screw up. and often end up stinking of ammonia so prolly best just to try the one first.
Bon Appetit!
So does that boiling and throwing into cold water trick take the skin off? Cause they usually got pretty tough skin, and people been telling me it's real difficult to skin them.
speared one a few years ago, and grilled it. ended up tasting really nice.

strange i haven't taken any since. must try that milk and onions atomic.
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