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Dorset Sharks

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The salmon shark and the porbeagle are very closely related indeed - the Porbeagle [lamna nasus] is found throughout temparate Atlantic and the Salmon [Lamna ditropis] is the Pacific version. They look very similar but are distinct species of the same Genus.
Reactions: Shadowkiller
....Interesting bit about them (Salmon Shark) maintaining a high metabolic rate / body temperature...thats exactly what the Mako does to keep its muscles warm for quick explosive movements to catch prey.

Reactions: Almostafish
Most of the large sharks, and fast swimming teleosts maintain a body temp 10 degree higher than water temp in order to maximise aerobic effeciency.

So if you get cold, shoot a large tuna, cut a hole and crawl in. Toasty warm! rofl
Another sighting yesterday. Unidentified species, grey and white in colour about 6ft long went in for a closer look at a couple of guys mackerel fishing from a boat off Pulpit rock.
Buster Lung said:
Another sighting yesterday. Unidentified species, grey and white in colour about 6ft long went in for a closer look at a couple of guys mackerel fishing from a boat off Pulpit rock.

Was it Clive or Bryn? rofl rofl rofl
Reactions: Almostafish
Laff! I would put money on it being the harbour seal that lives there.. Although Clive was saying how hot his office was and how much he needed a dip! The only problem is how did he carry the cello?
Not me - I was still stuck here in my piggin hot office! Make up for it over the weekend though, 6 hr dive on Sat 6hr Dive on Sunday.... nice!
Reactions: Almostafish
I've got an update on the Dorset shark situation.

One sighting of a large shark by a diver in Swanage last weekend. Reckons it's a Porbeagle.

A sighting by two fishermen out fishing for mackerel. The shark chased their fish as they were reeling in.

Three divers (all locals) with loads of experience saw a large 10ft porbeagle whilst underwater. They all left the water a bit quick after in circled them a few times.

A sighting by a bloke fishing for bream. He hooked the a and and then landed half a bream.

All these sightings have been within the last week (three of them off Portland). Looks like he's back just in time for this weekends spearo competition. Happy hunting guys!!!!!!!!!
Buster Lung said:
All these sightings have been within the last week (three of them off Portland). Looks like he's back just in time for this weekends spearo competition. Happy hunting guys!!!!!!!!![/QUOTE

Chain mail & a mamba 110 :naughty
umm a 10fter hey... well with the portland comp tomorrow that fills me with confidence! Oh Well, with a load of other divers in the water that will (a) scare it away or (b) have safty in numbers..... bring the chance of me seeing it down...... My bottom times should be OK as long as I don't start playing the Jaws theme tune over in my head - drat now I have done it thinking about that .....rofl
how deep d oyou have to be to see sharks or how close the shore is probably a better question.

also do you get sharks in gower that would be so cool if i ever saw one, im vege so dont worry about me hunting him tho him hunting me might be somthing for you to worry about
you would miss me wouldnt you:martial
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