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Drug dealer needed, or: Fear and Loathing in North Texas

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fat flotilla
Aug 16, 2004
I'm getting over a middle ear infection, caused by a serious build-up of fluids from the eaustacian tube (spelling?). Still a little snotty in old lefty.

mmm. snot.

I'm already taking a powerful antibiotic. So this time it's not a problem. I'm just worried about the odd times AFTER I get over something like this...I'm still going to be getting rid of residual fluid and what not.

I was wondering if there was any over-the-counter tricks to keep the tubes nice and dry. Sort of a preemptive strike on any fluid build-up. I typically don't have ear problems like so, but I don't have a lot of time in my schedule to pass up my days at the pool to stay in moderate shape.

"I'm callin' all you pushers fo some FDA-friendly tricks t'git my dive back on. Ya dig?"
Hmmm, somebody's been reading too much Hunter Thompson. Wish I could find a copy of either "Fear and loathing...." for my son.

Anyway, your problems will probably clear up with little help. Try Sudafed to shrink tissues and help clearing (raises your heart rate though).
Here is a weirdy I learned from Andersn of DB fame. For sticky ears, get some papaya tablets, insert one in each cheek (that's in your mouth) about twenty minutes before diving. Keep a tablet there until done diving. It works surprisingly well for some people. If it works and you have a copy of "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas", we need to talk.

Good luck

i got a copy of fear and loathing in las vegas on dvd. aswell as the book. the dvd can be bought over amazon.com.
cheerio :wave
I'll try the papaya tablets. Thanks for specifying which cheeks to insert them in. heh-heh-heh.

I don't have a copy of Fear and Loathing, sorry. The movie's good and all, and Depp plays a good Thompson, but I like Bill Murray's Thompson a lot better in Where the Buffalo Roam. Peter Boyle is a great Carl Lazlo, Esq., too.

Terry Gilliam is one of my favorite directors. Check out Brazil, too.

Damn. My ear's still slightly stopped up. Guess I'll have to bend over and get those papaya pills and stick them....oops, that right....my MOUTH.
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