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Dry Barrel Kit Shaft Diameter

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2010

I am planning to tune my Mares Jet(13mm inner Barrel usually for 8mm Shafts.) with an Dry Barrel Kit and i am not sure which diameter(7mm or 8mm) this kit should be.
Or is it possible to use both (7mm and 8mm) shaft with one dry Barrel Kit(Not free Shaft). I dont think so but i am unsure.

@ tromic Would you, or your son craft a tomba for my mares jet..?

Thanks in advance


7 mm is faster, easier to load. 8 mm has more punch. Your decision. Ask Marko for Tomba: marko.romich@gmail.com
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Hello tromic. Thanks for your reply.
I will send an email to marko. Thanks very much.

ps: i would change the email address to something like
marko.romich[at]gmail(dot)com, otherwise the address will get on a spamlist very fast if you post it on a public forum..

greez ubik
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