Hi All,
I've got a question for the free diving pros. I've been doing some training over the last few months with a friend who's a freedive instructor, not to break any records but to push each other's limits.
We've both got average PBs of 100m Dyn but we are wearing boardshorts, using bi fins with poor technique and haven't tried any max dives since we started training . Recently we've been pushing our limits doing a number of different drills such as countdown 25m, exhale 50m Dyn, 75m dynamics with shorter and shorter surface intervals and playing underwater hockey.
I purchased an oximeter out of interest to see how our heart rates compare when MDR kicks in, this is when things got really weird. I noticed that on a dry full inhale my HR would start to drop when I started feeling first real chest contractions (no surprises there) so figured I would see what happens when I exhale and hold. My heart rate plummets from 60-35bpm or at the extreme 105-38bpm in less than 1 minute holding. It doesn't matter when, it happens every time I exhale and hold. My buddy/s that have also had a go at exhale holds which has had a range of results, some increased other slowed by 10-20bpm.
When it comes to max dyn dives I've never had a samba but my friend gets them reasonably often around the 100m mark. My limiting factor is always lactic acid buildup in my quads sapping all power from my legs, yet my friend has never had bad lactic acid.
Is it beneficial to have an early strong MDR or will it bring on a quicker on set of lactic acid buildup? I'm really Interested to hear from people who may have similar dive response and how they feel about it?
I've got a question for the free diving pros. I've been doing some training over the last few months with a friend who's a freedive instructor, not to break any records but to push each other's limits.
We've both got average PBs of 100m Dyn but we are wearing boardshorts, using bi fins with poor technique and haven't tried any max dives since we started training . Recently we've been pushing our limits doing a number of different drills such as countdown 25m, exhale 50m Dyn, 75m dynamics with shorter and shorter surface intervals and playing underwater hockey.
I purchased an oximeter out of interest to see how our heart rates compare when MDR kicks in, this is when things got really weird. I noticed that on a dry full inhale my HR would start to drop when I started feeling first real chest contractions (no surprises there) so figured I would see what happens when I exhale and hold. My heart rate plummets from 60-35bpm or at the extreme 105-38bpm in less than 1 minute holding. It doesn't matter when, it happens every time I exhale and hold. My buddy/s that have also had a go at exhale holds which has had a range of results, some increased other slowed by 10-20bpm.
When it comes to max dyn dives I've never had a samba but my friend gets them reasonably often around the 100m mark. My limiting factor is always lactic acid buildup in my quads sapping all power from my legs, yet my friend has never had bad lactic acid.
Is it beneficial to have an early strong MDR or will it bring on a quicker on set of lactic acid buildup? I'm really Interested to hear from people who may have similar dive response and how they feel about it?