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Dublin Freediving training

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Aug 31, 2009
Hi Guys,

I have got a spot on Tuesday nights in NAC from 9pm -10pm and Wednesdays 10pm - 11pm in Glenalbyn for some freediving training if anyone is interested?
The NAC pool has plenty of room to probably accomodate 4/5 people, Glenalbyn is abit tighter as we share the pool with the scuba club (it's their session).

If anyone is interested please get back to me.


Hi Willie,

I have joined the Oceandivers scuba club and have paid an up front fee of €190 for the year which gives me unlimited access to their pool sessions. I currently as stated go twice a week so in monetary terms I am saving roughly €850 a year. They charge a standard €10 per session otherwise. What I would suggest is maybe come along for a session or two and see what you think. You can then decide what you want to do long term. If you are only going to use the NAC I'm sure they can work out a deal for you. I dont handle the money I'm only a member of the club but I can put you in touch with the person that does.

If you want to discuss this further and maybe organise to come along tomorrow you can get me at rorykearns@hotmail.com or pvt me here.


Hi Rory

are you do training for team? or individually ? it will be very interesting. i and my few friend will be very interested to be trained by professional freediver .
Hi there,

Thanks for the interest in the sessions. Firstly I must correct you I am not a professional freediver or instructor. I am an AIDA ** freediver which means I have only taken the first step on the freediving ladder. I currently train with a scuba club twice a week on Tuesday and Wednesdays although the pool sessions are now finished until Jan 20th. The pool is hired by the scuba club and I take a lane. My sessions are currently based on dynamic sets well within my limit and are concentrating on my monofin technique as I have only started using one recently.

If you are a beginner freediver and have no experience or have not taken any professional courses then can I suggest you take a beginner course before attempting any sessions. Unfortunately we dont have any courses over here but you could try Saltfree in the UK that's where I did my AIDA ** and Sam is a very good teacher.

My post was to see if more people (who had some freediving experience) were interesed in doing these sessions with the idea of potentially forming a club. I do not mean to put off newcomers but it will be far more beneficial and safe for you first to do a course trained by a professional before attempting some training.

As the weather is bad at the moment the freediving will be pool based probably until March when we can start to do small sessions in the sea probably near Sandycove & Dalkey.

From a cost perspective I paid the scuba club a one off fee of €190 which gives me use of the pool twice a week for the year. If you want to pay per session it's €10.

If you would like to find out more about some courses or discuss this further you can either PVT me or send me a mail rorykearns@hotmail.com

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