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DWF Challenge

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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We pee deep. Ew!
Sep 24, 2002
In the spirit of Erik's "Static Challenge" and in honor of Herbert Nitsch's recent 138 m dynamic w/o fins, here's the "Dynamic Without Fins" challenge.

Since a lot of us are confined to pools for the winter, I'm hoping this thread will be of interest.

At any rate, I just hit a PB tonight of 75 yards (68.58m ?) -- almost exactly half the WR distance. I know this isn't going to be anything soecial on DB, but I figured I'd get the ball rolling.

At any rate, amaze us all you DWF mavens!

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Pb 72m
Half lung 63m
1min static followed by dynamic 63m
Pb for distance swam without contractions 54m
Pb for distance swam with contractions 36m

However my 72m is fairly consistent after a warm up anytime soon it should jump to 81m.

pb 113m (in a 50m pool)
recently 80m (25m pool)
3min static followed by 50m dynamic! (25m pool)

usually get contractions around 50m mark.
50m just dolphin kick (25m pool)
Just incase you're wondering, bam bam ain't lying. Gets annoying training with someone doing those distances, especially when he makes it look so easy! :head

Best with and without fins is 33m (33m pool and I've not felt up to trying turns yet).

PB 60m
I have never been freediving, but will this summer
Can only do 1 minute statics
started statics and dynamics less than a month ago
plan on 75m in one more month.

So i think im doing pretty good so far
But >100m is very impressive

Bam Bam nice numbers dude how long does it take you to do 100m. And how long you been doing thid for.


PB: 80 mtr (training, 25mtr pool)
In competition this year I did 76 mtr (50 mtr pool)

Fred S.
75 metres for me, 2lb neck weight, half-packed to capacity.
Geezus bamam, start telling us what you're doing for breathe ups, techniques, etc!!
Erik Y.
on bam bam's behalf...

I don't think bam bam logs on very often so i'll answer for him...

i was training with him in the pool earlier this year when he was doing DWF. he has experimented with neck weights, but i dont think he used it for his PB - I wasn't around when he did that particular dynamic. no special techniques or preparation - all pretty standard stuff.

the technique he uses is just the classic underwater breast stroke, nothing unusual. in my experience, it's just a matter of fine tuning your stroke to make it as efficient as possible - getting the right balance of pulling force and gliding, and being able to catch the water. doing 100 in DWF is perfectly achievable with a good technique. reaching 125+ is another matter- that really takes some effort!

in case some of you don't know this... a friend of mine (Fiona Gowland, from Aberdeen) unofficially broke the ladies WR of 95m in DWF earlier this year, by reaching 100m in 2mins. with further training she probably could have reached 125. unfortunately it couldnt be ratified by AIDA due to the expense involved. it was made an official AIDA UK record though.

(she would probably hate me saying this- but she has an incredible natural freediving ability and huge potential. on her second (or third?) day of open water freediving, she reached a depth of about 47m in crappy UK waters. if she had regular access to deep water, and in good conditions....... )

ok, time to eat my annual portion of sprouts :yack .....
Fiona's performance was incredible, and we all know she did it whether it was ratified or not. Sometimes the rules piss me off; there were local AIDA judges but not "International" judges, correct?
Erik Y
yep, national judges, not international. it was all recorded on video too, but of course, that's not good enough. I think the rules are important really, otherwise it all becomes a chaotic mess. It's just a shame that it has to cost so much, but there's no way to make it cheaper and maintain standards. You have to pay for judges expenses and the drug test. I think these are the biggest costs for setting a pool record. Securing personal sponsorship is probably the way to go.

I believe that the AIDA drug test involves taking a urine sample. You can't test for blood doping using this method. I find this rather worrying to be honest. I'm not sure what the standard is for Olympic athletes etc? Correct me if I'm wrong, but any freediver could reinfuse themselves with preserved RBCs to boost their hematocrit and then set a new record.... no-one would ever know.

Thank you Alun, for you reply on my behalf.

Though one thing, I did use the neck weight for the Pb, which is about 1kg. I find it much easier with it, though it does increase the danger as if there is a problem you have extra weight to deal with. So as always use a buddy.

With breathing and rutine, I didn't have much time as I did my long dynamic, before swim training at university so I did no warm up or statics. All I did was sit on the sit of the pool and relax and deep breathed for a few minutes, durning which I'd slowly put on the neck wieght googles and swim cap. I would then pack (never counted, just untill I felt I had done enough) slip into the water and go.

The time was just under 2mins can't remember it excatly as it was nearly a year ago.
