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Dynamic apnea training while swimming

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New Member
Nov 8, 2004
I swim 2-3 times a week at a 25m pool. Can anyone tell me a beginers training program for dynamic apnea while I swim. I mean , I can't use fins and I can't move underwater (pool rules).
Now , I elongate the time between two breaths when I swim in free style. I do 5 moves for a breath , instead 3 moves a breath I did at the past. That for 100m. Can this help for dynamic apnea?
Can anyone helps with some training tips? I repeat : no fins , no underwater , only swim.

Thanks a lot
Try hypoxic pyramid:

25m crawl, breathing every stroke(i.e: left and right arm)
25m breathing every 2 strokes
25m 3 strokes
25m 4 strokes
25m 5 strokes
25m 4 strokes
25m 3 strokes
25m 2 strokes
25m every stroke

'They say' it's the best training when you can't do underwater nor use fins.

Another training is 1/2 lap (or whole, or 3/4) breathing, the rest holding breath (same distance as breathing) ,and repeat that for a number of times.

I'm sure there are lots more training tips from the rest of the forum ppl

PS: Does anybody knows about the safety of this training w/o partner? Must be done with a backstroke to avoid facil inmersion? What about doing breastroke w/ dry head? any ideas?
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Blue Icarus had some good suggestions that should work with little or no BO danger.

Part of your training should be as close to the activity you are training for as you can get. In this case, long surface swims no breathing. Breath up like a normal dynamic and swim as close to the desired technique as you can get. Practicing dynamic no fins should work, it won't be very close for dwf. Very important: practicing this approach requires a buddy. This type of training can result in a BO; one on the surface can kill you just as dead as on the bottom. You can't expect life guards to be your spotter, just not reasonable in most cases. In the special case where you have interested guards, an almost empty pool and can involve the guards actively in your dynamic and recovery, then using guards as spotters might be ok. I am often in this situation, still not very good. Doing wet static, no spotter, and depending on guards in any case is, IMO, a dangerous practice.

Good luck,

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