The architect I know has trouble finding work.. Apparently you're a successful one! (any photo's?) - I cannot imagine existing with such a busy schedule.
Is there no way to have a few hours less work? All the accompanying stress cannot be healthy in the long run.
On the frog flow exercise, it's not about time, it's about relaxation, forgetting time. One focusses on the inner world and feelings. The movements and flow of water feels nice and helps to relax. You go up whenever you feel you want. It's meant to feel easy, if it doesn't you're doing it wrong. It's meant to avoid the creating an association of pain and diving.
Having a 10-30 minute jog in the morning already makes a big difference, it also helps to clear the mind. High level CEO's often do that to be more productive even though it sounds like a contradiction.
I'm sure a reasonable wife will recognise the positive change sport will have on you. Men need some physical activity and time alone.
I hope that freediving can motivate you enough to seriously consider your needs. A total sacrifice cannot be sustained in the long run, and I hope you see you're more then a resource pigeon to others.
Thanks for your patience and your kind words, Kars. Well, I say kind, but I admit I felt (slightly) insulted when you referred to being a resource pigeon to others. It's not only my work that is taking up my time. You don't know my family's/wife's situation (let me be brief: she's in a severe depression). So, I do have other obligations on a personal level not to be further discussed here. And you have to know that these obligations "force" me to be home as much as possible.
Anyway, I managed to get to the pool this morning (early) and didn't even know where to start or what to do... So, I just did, well...something. (Which was stupid to start with: doing a "training" without any plan/schedule).
Yesterday, I read about a 25 m over - under, so I tried it: 25 m snorkeling on the surface and then, immediately after that (no rest) 25 m underwater. I barely got there, and I was panting like crazy for the next 2 minutes. There's no way I will do a series of 8-10 of those with a shorter recovery of (let's say...) 30 seconds after the underwater part. (Like mentioned in the article here: ) - I didn't even try a second 25 m over - under, not even after a 5 minute rest or so.
I also tried a series of 25 m underwater (with fins) and my goals was to allow myself 8 slow breaths between them. After the first lap, I involuntarily took 10 breaths already, and I ended up doing 9-10 breaths for the next laps (instead of the 8 I planned to) and I quit after the fourth lap as I was not loving the contractions at all (like always) and I could not manage to breathe slowly - I was breathing fast - panting again like hell.
Now, before I go into depression mode - let me say two things:
1) when I say 25m, I actually mean 26,8 m. The pool I can get to only allows fins in the small pool which is 13,4 m long, so one "25m" lap is actually 2 x 13,4 m = 26,8 m for me. Besides that, the bottom is set to 2,9 m deep when fins are allowed, so when I do a lap (25 m / 26,8 m), there's a turn halfway (so, it's actually two 13,4 m laps). So, I first dive down to the bottom and swim along it. I do that because I find it easier to turn if I can place one hand on the bottom and one hand against the wall. If I swim at 1 m deep, I cannot put one hand on the bottom to pivot myself.
(So, here's a technical question: does anyone know of a good method of turning when not on the bottom?)
So, yes, my training conditions are not ideal. At all. I wish it was still allowed to use fins in the 25m section of the pool. I have to travel 45 minutes to find a pool where they allow fins in a 25 m pool, but they don't allow weights there. One hour drive gets me to a 25m pool where they do allow both. But as I said: there's so little time.
2) I think the fact that I'm panting already like crazy after only ONE "25 m" (26,8m) over-under is simply (another) confirmation of the fact that I am not fit at all. I disregard the 25m series with 8 breaths between them, because I think that I chose something too hard for my ..errr..."level". If you can even call my abilities a "level"...
Now... As mentioned, my situation keeps me home as much as possible, (for my wife, who I love more than anything - I'm happily married, thank you). Are there some exercises to be done in the house? Would apnea walking be an idea? If anyone has a table, do share. And PLEASE (pretty please?) be EASY on the numbers? I'll have to experiment anyway, as I really don't know what I am capable of.
I read an apnea walk exercise here:
I tried and (of course) I got demotivated immediately, wanting to sell my mask and fins right there and then. You'll notice that it states "if you can" for the 1:30 apnea walk. This is simply impossible for me. Even the 1:15 is not yet reachable. On a good day, I can do 1:05-1:10-ish. But you have to know that by the time I reach 50 seconds, my body is bent over because of the contractions.
Any thoughts / ideas? I'm REALLY lost here.