I know this thread is 6 months old, but for future reference:
Dyneema is not a great idea on any reelgun!! Its VERY slippery and quite difficult to grip, especially the smaller diameter lines.
I've switched to 3mm parachute cord, which you can buy at your local hardware store. Cheap and strong enough!! Unless you're hunting large fish in a very rocky environment, parachute cord will work brilliantly. Not forgetting it is also ridiculously cheap!!
On the smaller diamter reels, i'd also opt for the 3mm parachute cord. If hunting in shallow waters, like 5-15m deep, all you need is about 15m of line on your reel anyways. Remember, your spear plus shooting line will add another couple of meters.
The 3mm line is simply so much easier to grip and hold onto. Your hands will also not cramp up when fighting a large strong fish, like it does with the thinner diameter dyneema. Dyneema is also a nightmare to try and cut with a slightly blunt knife!!(my knife is VERY blunt, becuase i don't like cutting myself!).
So the Parachute cord VS Dyneema cord is won, hands down , by the PARACHUTE CORD!!! Cheaper, easier to grip, easier to cut, easier to knot and oh yes, did i mention cheaper?