I’m trying to decide which Dyneema brand/size is the ideal for a wishbone.
Reading through this forum, some opt for a 1.5 mm Dyneema………then it goes all the way up to 3 mm Dyneema ??
Browsing the net did not help much……..So for the experts out here:-
1- What size Dyneema is best for heavy duty spearing (1.5mm, 2 mm, ….3 mm)
2- Which Online Stores carry the Best quality/service.
3- Any special brands to choose.
Thank You
Reading through this forum, some opt for a 1.5 mm Dyneema………then it goes all the way up to 3 mm Dyneema ??
Browsing the net did not help much……..So for the experts out here:-
1- What size Dyneema is best for heavy duty spearing (1.5mm, 2 mm, ….3 mm)
2- Which Online Stores carry the Best quality/service.
3- Any special brands to choose.
Thank You