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Ears not draining, immediately

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New Member
Jan 18, 2013
Hi folks, curious if anyone has the same issues. Coming up from a dive or the pool I have two phases of "ear draining". The first is basically going from practically deaf, to, I'm not sure...80%? drained. So I come up, know I'm full of water, do a couple head shakes either side, and get my relief.

The second phase, is when I'm back home, I have full hearing, but if I shake my head I hear the tell tale swish of water deep in there. Can never clear it. If I put a hair dryer to it on low it will dry in about 10 minutes. Otherwise I go to bed and it must evaporate or leak out as I lie on each side.

I'm worried about not clearing "phase two". Am I setting myself up for surfers ear? Why am I not draining that last little bit? and where the heck is that water? If I look at an ear diagram

The first phase of draining must be the outer ear. The second phase must be the middle ear, but the eardrum is waterproof isn't it?

Thanks in advance all you ear doctors.


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This fluid is built up in inner ear either because of forceful equalization or because of mucosa allergies. It is also possible that it is water passed through your eustachian tubes, If you train in pool with no noseclip then it is easier for the water to enter your eustachian tubes.

Drink plenty of water, manage your allergies and do not force equalization.
Thanks Dimitris, beautiful website you have. Just a question, can water get past the outer ear, into the middle and inner ear, without a rupture?

you said forceful equalization. Do you mean waiting too long so the pressure works its way past the eardrum? Or that I am pushing too hard, too early and forcing water in the sinuses into the inner ear. I equalize early and often, but it is not a pop, it is like a whining whale in my head that goes on for seconds.....maybe that is a clue.

I will also try not drinking milk and watching my mask. It often leaks around my nose a bit, or there is water in there. You could be right, it could be coming from my sinuses.

I appreciate the feedback.
Water cannot pass from the outer ear to inner without rapture. The fluid inside is definitely built from inside.

You should have the symptom in one ear only often rather than to both. This ear usually called "sticky". It is less powerful than the other (like the right handed person who cant use his left hand the same).

To train your ears you should equalize all day, every day, where ever you are. This will train the muscles and the elasticity of the eardrum. As I said u must drink plenty of water (not during training only but especially the days before).

Forcing equilization means that you might push to hard (pushing fluid (water or mucus) inside) or pushing too late. Do more eqs than imagine (for instance about 15 for a -10 meters dive).

However I still maintain that the liquid is built up because of chronic allergies. I have the same exact issue for years (and still have bad days).

Using a noseclip limits the symptoms and makes eq easier.