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East Coast Freediver School

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Jun 27, 2001
East Coast Freediver ECF is on the net.
Our school is now up and running please take a look.


This is a freedive specialty certified by PDIC international

Please forgive the crudeness of the site our strength is in our diving not our computer programming.

We teach from Dutch Springs in PA. www.dutchsprings.com

Class sizes are kept very small and are scheduled around the student you pick the weekend and we'll meet you there.

Cost is $150 for a two full days. A detailed course outline can be found on the website.

If interested please drop us a line. Safe and fun diving.

Trace Molinowski (ECF co-founder and freedive instructor)


Jeff Rempel (ECF co-founder and freedive instructor)
Wow! Your site looks good, and the course look very comprehensive. Good luck guys.
Erik Y.
Just took the course

I took the course two weeks ago and had a great time. I have been diving with Trace and Jeff since April and once the water got warm enough for the extended exposure I went through the training with my dive partner. There is a huge emphasis on safety(we covered a myriad of rescue and buddy procedures) as well as proper dive technique. Trace's philosophy of freediving is based on the premise that one should do as little work as possible to execute a perfect dive. Anyone can go down to the bottom and come back up. The real challenge is to make each dive smooth and comfortable regardless of the depth. We worked on surface dives repeatedly until he felt that we were finally using the least amount of effort to break the surface and begin the descent. Both Trace and Jeff descended with us to make sure that we were keeping our kicks in the slipstream. Once these techniques were perfected, it made it much easier to extend bottom times and comfort level. The quarry is roughly 100 feet deep and even though I was able to get to the bottom before the course (of course I had been diving with Trace and Jeff so they were already giving me some pointers and guidance) , after the course the main target at 90 ft. now feels so much better than it used to. Instead of rocketing to get down there and then having to shoot right back up, now I enjoy the slow ride down, some bottom time, and a nice ascent.
All in all a great course that takes place almost totally in the water.If you have the chance to visit Dutch Springs, do it, its a great place to dive. Swimming through all the attractions they have there is a total blast.
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