Hey Guys I speared a nice flounder today - these flounder we have in Aus are one of our best eating fish
then I took it home and gutted it I was about to cook it and the Luderick I also belted for dinner with my family, anyway as I gutted it I noticed a lump in its gut I took that section of Gut and squeezed out the lump it turned out to be a Toad fish or puffer fish -like the Japanese eat Fugu maybe but I know they are poisonous.
Can I eat the flounder or should I chuck it in the bin ?
I fed the roe and a bit of the fish -pectoral fins and some attached flesh to the cat but the cat that usually attacks me for fish sniffed and maybe tasted a bit then left it alone!
I put fish in the fridge not the pan If the cats dead tomorrow no way will I eat it rofl
Looks like spaggetti for tea now :waterwork I was really looking forward to flounder first or second 1 I have shot maybe I got 1 years ago memory is crook.
Can I eat the flounder or should I chuck it in the bin ?
I fed the roe and a bit of the fish -pectoral fins and some attached flesh to the cat but the cat that usually attacks me for fish sniffed and maybe tasted a bit then left it alone!
I put fish in the fridge not the pan If the cats dead tomorrow no way will I eat it rofl
Looks like spaggetti for tea now :waterwork I was really looking forward to flounder first or second 1 I have shot maybe I got 1 years ago memory is crook.