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Eating habits

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New Member
Dec 14, 2004
I started freediving several months ago, now I feel that Im not getting enough vitamins. Could you suggest me what to eat more (f.e. meat) and what to eat less.
I would suggest Iron and Antioxidants(Vit C, Selen, Cu, Germanium, Mn, Mo, Zn). Green vegetables, fruits, liver, nuts, ...
There are some 'diet experts' on this forum and I hope they will join this thread soon.
Hmm, just an interested female popping in- I too was curious about the dietary habits of excellent (female) freedivers. Here's a few tidbits I found:

Taken from http://www.wetdawg.com/pages/under/tanyaprofile/tanyaprofile_sc.php :

Do you have any special dietary needs or preferences that you feel helps your training?

Nothing special, although I do admit a strong weakness for the family size bag of Doritos on a daily basis! Do you have any recommendations regarding this topic? I don't do anything out of the ordinary.

I take a multivitamin, Vitamin C and Echinacea due to the high amount of stress involved in the sport of freediving. Stress breaks the immunity system down and if I get a cold right before the attempt, I'm screwed. But, I usually quit taking these a week before the actual record attempt. Since I was the first diver to willingly submit to drug testing before and after a record attempt, I am too paranoid that something like a filler in a vitamin could be on the B list of banned substances.

And from http://www.deeperblue.net/article.php/111/21 :

Do you have any special dietary needs or preferences that you feel helps your training? Do you have any recommendations regarding this topic?

Nope. I eat everything I want when I want it. I never did any diet. When you are preparing for a Record you will have a lot of pressure in top of you. I am not referring to the hydrostatic pressure but to the training, media, sponsors &. Which is even worst that the first one. So if in addition to this you force your body and mind to resist temptations. Normally I eat a lot of pasta, but because I love pasta I eat it even when I m not training!

...so from what I've read, it seems that it's almost a non-issue?! I suppose it's common sense to cut down on coffee, carbonated drinks, processed foods, and increase intake of raw food, leans meats, nuts, seeds, sprouts and complex carbohydrates. I also think it's a good idea to detoxify at least once a year.
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Thanks Brianna,

Good find, it's nice to know that those on the top of the freediving world are eating the same stuff as the rest of us. Sometimes following one of those real specialized diets can be more work that it's worth. I find that I'm never able to get enough energy when I restrict my diet too much.


Use that article I just posted and your common sense. To counteract the effects of cold (yin) you need heat (yang), so consume warming foods accordingly (especially in the colder months of the year).

Good luck.
I was wondering if caffine has any effect on you when you are trainning? I know it is a stimulant, but will smaller doses like 4-5 cups of coffee hurt you?
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Hi Andy,

I think 4-5 cups of coffee is a lot! It probably depends on what you are used to, so maybe if that is the amount you always have, it has less effect.

Since caffeine is a stimulant which raises heart rate, it would have a negative effect on training.

andyt808 said:
I was wondering if caffine has any effect on you when you are trainning? I know it is a stimulant, but will smaller doses like 4-5 cups of coffee hurt you?
rofl rofl rofl
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