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Ein Kanadisch in Deutschland...

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2002

Ich bin von Kanada aber wohnend in Stuttgart. Ich sprache nur ein wenig etwas Deutsche. Ich kann zum Bodensee fuer Freitauchen gehen. Ist jemand interessiert? Gibt es andere, die manchmal gehen? Ich bin an wettbewerbsfähigem und an der Erholung interessiert.

In English, because that was a mix of my German with translators assistance... If there are others out there diving in Bodensee/Lake Constance, I would be interested to join for either training or recreation. Just send a hello if you are in the vicinity of Stuttgart to Zurich and interested in possibly getting together for some freediving or what have you.


Hi Tyler,

Wow - you've been quiet for a long time!

If I were you i'd send Richard Wonka (Sanso) a PM. He is in SE Asia now but he used to live on Lake Constance and freedive there, he can hook you up with plenty of freedivers there. It's a lovely area, and they have some pretty nice wines too from memory.

Hey Ben,

Yes, I have had quite the ride the last few years. Coming up for air here now.

Thanks for the recommendation, I am actually getting pretty excited about going diving there. The bathymetry map suggests some fantastic shore depth and videos on youtube show some interesting marine life.

Yeah, Stuttgart here has vineyards within the city itself and surrounding areas. Really cool! Looking forward to that exploration as well. For not having ocean nearby for the first time in my life, this should be a pretty cool place to explore. Already amazed by a few outings to nearby castles.


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