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Elevation training mask

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Kevin Kao

Jul 2, 2014
Hi guys,

so i did a search on this topic and only 1 thread came up and it was 2 years old (https://forums.deeperblue.com/threa...-useful-for-apnea-training.98190/#post-913724), a lot of new research and study could be found within this 2 years, so what do you guys think about co2 training with the elevation mask?

i've reached out to someone that is using the mask, and she told me that it works well with her land/cardio training and having less oxygen getting provided to her body. when she dives, she find that burning sensation on her legs has lessened, and her body is more used to the ache.

anyone else are looking into this? please provide your thoughts and inputs. thanks :)

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Reactions: AlexbeeintheUK
I have been looking into this too, my mate is a personal trainer and he uses it all the time..my bro in law now uses one too and swears by it so id like to give it a go in my weekly training to c how it improves breath-hold capacity for my spearfishing.
I have been looking into this too, my mate is a personal trainer and he uses it all the time..my bro in law now uses one too and swears by it so id like to give it a go in my weekly training to c how it improves breath-hold capacity for my spearfishing.

nice! keep us updated with your progress!!
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