Hi! I am looking for the new Elios suit. I already got one early this year made from Yamamoto 45 5mm with lining outside. I will use my new suit for the water temps. 3-10C and depths of around 10 meters. I decided to go for the jacket from open cell/smoothskin 8mm and pants made from 7,5mm open cell/Kanoko elastic lining outside. I choose smooth jacket because of elasticity and softness, but I need durability, read outer lining, for my pants. Smoothskin Heiwa for jacket comes only in medium density, but Heiwa with lining outside for pants is available in soft and medium density. I asked Elios about which one to choose for my pants and they wrote that
The soft density rubber is compare with Yamamoto, like soft, elasticity and comfort. The medium density is little more hard, for sure more durable and resistance in deep, but in any case the durability of neoprene soft or medium depend principally from the range of depht. If you will make shallow divings in the winter, non necessary medium density...
Now I want to ask you, what did they mean under shallow diving, 2, 10 or 20 meters? I will mainly spearfish at 10-13 meters, spending about 1 hour on apnea at this depth per session and spearfishing 2-4 times per week. This makes 20-30 apnea hours spent at 10 meters during cold-water season (mid-late autumn, early winter and late spring). I noticed that my Elios Yamamoto 45 Mimetic Stone 5mm has already lost some buoyancy after 2 months of 3-4 times per week usage. My dive computer shows that I used my Yamamoto 45 suit for about 25 hours on apnea and now I already need 1 to 1,5 kg less weight in comparison to the new suit for the same working depth. I understand that this is a natural process, but how will the density of neoprene influence it?
So the question is: If medium density Heiwa will become less compressed / thin after one season of extensive usage in comparison to the soft density Heiwa, given the working depth of around 10 meters? If the difference will be minimal I will go for the more elasticity, this means soft density Heiwa or even Yamamoto 45. ...my pants will be 7,5mm thick and I really do not want to lose some extra softness. Nevertheless, if this difference will be noticeable enough I will prefer to order Heiwa medium density.
Uhhhh, very long post!
Thank you for simply reading completely through it! :friday:friday:friday
The soft density rubber is compare with Yamamoto, like soft, elasticity and comfort. The medium density is little more hard, for sure more durable and resistance in deep, but in any case the durability of neoprene soft or medium depend principally from the range of depht. If you will make shallow divings in the winter, non necessary medium density...
Now I want to ask you, what did they mean under shallow diving, 2, 10 or 20 meters? I will mainly spearfish at 10-13 meters, spending about 1 hour on apnea at this depth per session and spearfishing 2-4 times per week. This makes 20-30 apnea hours spent at 10 meters during cold-water season (mid-late autumn, early winter and late spring). I noticed that my Elios Yamamoto 45 Mimetic Stone 5mm has already lost some buoyancy after 2 months of 3-4 times per week usage. My dive computer shows that I used my Yamamoto 45 suit for about 25 hours on apnea and now I already need 1 to 1,5 kg less weight in comparison to the new suit for the same working depth. I understand that this is a natural process, but how will the density of neoprene influence it?
So the question is: If medium density Heiwa will become less compressed / thin after one season of extensive usage in comparison to the soft density Heiwa, given the working depth of around 10 meters? If the difference will be minimal I will go for the more elasticity, this means soft density Heiwa or even Yamamoto 45. ...my pants will be 7,5mm thick and I really do not want to lose some extra softness. Nevertheless, if this difference will be noticeable enough I will prefer to order Heiwa medium density.
Uhhhh, very long post!
Thank you for simply reading completely through it! :friday:friday:friday