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eliossub payment

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Apr 23, 2003
Hi All,

we have recently ordered new wetsuits from eliossub - the online ordering etc was fine, but we are having endless hassles trying to pay for the suits online. While I cannot understand the Italian error messages in full, there seems to be some authorization problem with each and every credit card I try. So, I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if you managed to resolve the issue / find a workaround?

many thanks,
Sorry mate, I can't help you.
I made my payment without problems

I had a problem at first too but then a somewhat Italian speaking friend helped me out. There's a box you have to 'check' (0r just click on, can't quite remember) that says you are accepting the terms of the transaction then it works fine.

Best of luck!

Hi welwichia,

I ordered a wetsuit too from elios and got the same error. Althought, elios told me the payment worked. Maybe it did the sub for you, just ask elios.
I also got an error message and as a result of this effectively paid twice....

I informed elios about this and got back the money with the suit. As the web-site is rather poor in design and usability, it won't surprise me if they have not changed anything.

Beside the amateurish site, the people at elios are very friendly and responsive.
Hi All,

thanks for all the input! I have since had a couple of emails from the 3rd party that seems to handle the webtransactions for eliossub - apparently all my payments have been "denied by the card issuer" ... no matter what card I tried. These are cards I use frequently for internet purchases and according to my "card issuer" there is no issue whatsoever. I have also heard from others who have experienced the exact same issue.

Hopefully the problem is now resolved after phoning elissub directly and doing the transaction over the phone. They are a great company and very professional and helpful - as such it is all the more sad that they are being let down by what appears to me a "shop in a box" type of application to take care of their international orders.

Again, thanks for all the input!

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