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Employment in the U.K

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


New Member
Jun 17, 2003
Hi everyone

My wife & I are moving to the U.K in Late July, My wife is a dietician & has already pretty much found work through an employment agency.
I would like to do some study in film & some other study within the fisheries industry.

I know its a long shot & a strange post for this forum but does anyone have any part time positions available, I am 22 and have been in the building industry for three years also I have been in youth work eg High School work (Multi media Youth related seminars with an organization called Youth for Christ, Teachers Aid working with A.D.D Kids Etc) also have done retail work & Now I am currently in Real Estate As a Sales Consultant. I would love to get into the diving industry.

My interests are Marine Life, Photography, Freediving/spearfishing & my new wife Jewls.

If anyone has or knows of any employment opportunities I will really appreciate your replies.

Thank you So much :)


Hard question

Sorry Nath, but you really need to know where you are going to be before anyone can lend any local advice on job markets.

Stupid me

We will be heading towards Newport South U.K

Thanks Heaps Ben :)

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