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empty lung training/general training and DR sensitivity

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Lance (@socalspearit)
Mar 20, 2011
This summer I was doing deeper spearing dives, and regular (perhaps 4 times a week) empty lung, dry, dynamic tables. As well as some pool training, full lung and FRC. On various tests I was did, I was getting very strong DR on full lung cold water facial immersion, and strong DR on full lung pool DYN (warm water). I have very little to compare against since I had never tested DR while training regularly.

I stopped testing regularly, trained more irregularly, and changed my training routine to be much more CO2 tolerance based, and have been training almost exclusively full lung--either in pool, or just full lung hypoxic dry cardio, and have been doing more general cardio/fitness, as well as much more shallow spearing dives that are more CO2 based.

For the first time in some months, I just did some full lung, cold water facial immersion tests with a pulse O2 meter... Perhaps it is just an 'off day', but my numbers have fallen way off... Over the summer I was seeing fast drop in pulse to low 40's or high 30's that stayed solid even after exertion; this morning on a few tests I am seeing pulse bottoming out at 50 after a few minutes, with no lock--exertion raises the pulse.

I will try some other tests later in the week. But I am wondering if this is a result of the change up to my training? Does anyone have insight to share on this?

Did a cold water test just now... DR was closer to what I remember, 43 bpm after a minute, full lung, very stable for 10+ seconds after taking my face out of the water. I dove for several hours yesterday but haven't done any apnea in the last 20 hours, so that might have something to do with it.

When I had done the test the other day, I had done static CO2 tables probably 6 hours prior.