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Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Student Spearfisherman
Apr 7, 2005
I am having problems with my entry. I am not getting my fins down far enough on my duck dives so having to fin slighly at the surface so scaring away the fish I am trying to dive on. So how do I do a entry onto fish where they will not be scared away? I have been using both the one leg method and the two.
havnt seen u around in a few, everything good?

not sure of the methods, but i keep both legs together, pointing down to the bottom, then just double my body up, sticking my feet up into the air, weight seems to do the rest... i get my fins probably about a foot underwater before i start kicking.

maybe its that 1000 mm wetsuit, i tell ya, u need to dive in warmer climates throw another couple lbs of lead on your belt and see if it helps
sickbugs said:
havnt seen u around in a few, everything good?

Everything going fine. Just no internet access at home. Your welcome to email me though.

sickbugs said:
maybe its that 1000 mm wetsuit, i tell ya, u need to dive in warmer climates throw another couple lbs of lead on your belt and see if it helps

I am weighted for the depths I am fishing. If I put any more lead on I will become too negatitive. Then I will forsure see the mermaids.
Jimmy you need to have patience and wait a few seconds after the duck-dive. Give it 3 seconds and you will find that you are completely immersed. Watch Stu for a great example of the art of patience!
Peace brother,
Erik Y.
also make sure that you remove the snorkel from your mouth , as the bubbles come out of it also scare the fish
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