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EUDI Show!!!!

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Oct 8, 2002
Is anyone planning on being at the European Dive Show (EUDI)
in Genoa Italy between the 12th and 15th March?

I am thinking about attending as all the top brands will be there along with guest appearances from the likes of Marco Bardi and Umberto Pelizzari

Will probably be at the Totemsub/Polosub stands most of the time.

If anyone is going to go please let me know.
so you will be the unofficial deeperblue reporter :D
It appears so!!!!!

I will try and get a few pics as well with the spearing greats.

Gotta go book my flights now


Drop me a line via PM or email and we can discuss you being the official reporter for DB at the show.

I will be in Genoa-ITALY by 11-14 of March.
It seems logical to attend this show.
I will be probably be at the same stands,hope to meet you rofl

Alison, it will be a BIG LOUGH! we will have some party there ;)
And also want to see the other European Deeperblue members at the EUDI Show....
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