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Euro/Enclosed Track build

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Aug 14, 2007
I've been considering doing a build with a Euro trig mech. (possibly the Omer Cayman or Beuchat Marlin) on a wood enclosed track gun. Has anyone tried this before? Any tips, suggestions, pitfalls greatly appreciated.
I've also been searching for specs on these 2 trigs and can't find it (Up to now I know I have a 28mmOD barrel that fits into the handle/trig), on either of their sites...any suggestions.
Do you mean the complete handle & trigger or just the trigger mech?
thx for the link, them boys are my neighbors, never thought to look yonder...Fox that gun is sick, and no I never saw it...it seems like a rail/open track right? is their a thread accompanying it?
Some clarifications:
For the 28mm OD barrell, you need a female handle (to stick the barrell into the handle), or you have to feminize the barrell itself, digging a hole in the barrel to stick the handle into it. Is it all clear? Male goes into the female? (ok, it's not always this way in real life, but a gay gun is something I've never heard of...)
In facts industrial handles are basically divided in two constructive categories: male (and the Cayman is male) or female (Beuchat, Excalibur, Omer T20 and a few others, all made for 28mm OD tubes).
It would be great if you could get hold of an Omer Master America handle (all cast in alluminum with SS trigger), but that's rare to find and a bit pricey...
ahaaaa leave it to the spago to put it so, er, ummm how can I say- eloquently, thx you sir. So female-male...and I think I'd be better off with a male (cayman that is). Shafts with some elevated fins (like a riffe as opposed to a riffe euro, or perhaps a Ray Odor with pins (wonder if he makes them will check), any other brands?

OK here's were it gets tricky (I think- why the "I think" b/c I have not the specs for this handle) with the proper depths in place for the enclosed track to be "enclosed" will I have sufficient, not enough or too much depth for the shaft to engage? Or am i just totally confused
Dang Fox, I remember the thread now, never saw the last finished gun. I reread it though how did you solve the shaft problema (post #32)?

How did the gun perform?, What would you do different if anything? And finally is it worth the effort to do Euro or just get the trig, make the handle and KISS?

as a side note I'm figuring finishing the gun with the handle/trig mech. as is note "inlaying" it as you did in your build, seems like quite a bit of work, did you do just for the esthetics otr was their a "structural" reason?
No, I never managed to find a 6 or 6.5mm shark fin but I did buy a couple of 7mm sharkfins.
Tone I normally use my mamba for hunting so a lot of my guns never get used however I will make an effort to test the enclosed track very soon.
Yep thats it...OK Fox go test that gun

Tone I normally use my mamba for hunting so a lot of my guns never get used
Whewwww what a problemroflroflrofl
RE sharkfin shafts: well if it may interest I have used both Omer (6,3) and Seatec (6,5) sharkfin shafts, they're quite easy to find in stores, don't cost much and are pretty well made.

Fox I can send you (for free) an Omer 6,3 mm x140mm that would fit your 105 gun if you wish.
I have shot it only once and I can't use it anymore (long story short: my 106 Master Comp gun is broken and I'm using the Monoscocca 100 with closed muzzle: the sharkfins won't pass thru the closed muzzle, that's why I don't need that shaft anymore and you can have it for free. Just let me check shipping costs, though).

Excuse the OT
Tone, finally, which handle? I'm quite sure JimDoe can provide you some sexy french Beuchat female handle and he's very close to you...
Spag, I would love to take up your kind offer, the problem I had was the postage cost to Guernsey!
abusingelves, I tried to order two spears from bluegreen but they never answered my mails?
The 7mm spears I have actually used seem better suited to twin band guns, I would love a 6.5 to try out. (a 6.3 even better)
Tone, finally, which handle? I'm quite sure JimDoe can provide you some sexy french Beuchat female handle and he's very close to you...

I went to scubaworld to check out the stuff, the Omer was OK, I really liked the Marlin (very nice, can alt. line releaseR/L too) and I also liked the demka(in fact its probably the nicest feeling handle I've tried-ever), none of which were in stock, Ulysses says he should be getting the Marlin in soon, the Demka had been ordered a while back ago but he has not received it. jim has been very helpful (thx Jim) but he doesn't have the marlin either. As for the shaft I'm, going with a Riffe (a bit exp$$$.), nice tall fins, and frankly I've always favored them.

On another note I was looking at muzzles as an alt. to making one...Damn has anyone seen the Marlins muzzle that thing is WICKED:martial, in fact the Marlin carbon gun is one of the nicest put t/g guns I've seen! i also saw a "Marlin Woody" (I think Carbonell was shooting it at the World Tourney) amazing piece of a'motha'gun! the darkside is threatened....NOTrofl

The gun will be in teak/carbon and more than likely a 110...it will be a B-Day gift for the squirrel, I hope i have it ready for him on time....

Finally after seeing a few euro's up close i think the best way to go about it would be to lam the block, then add a few more, narrow lams on top, which would be the area I would route the enclosed track, any thoughts?
Tone, I would aim to make your gun high mass & low weight, one problem you might encounter is making the gun perfectly balanced in the water, I mean that if you dive down 20' & let the gun go, it will just hover in the water, not sink nose down or handle up just hover.
If you can achieve this then the gun will be a fantastic handling piece - now if that same gun has some mass & a good weight it will have a low recoil too.
Obviously once the spear is released gun will easily float however this is not always easy to get right on a 28mm barrel Euro, hollow barrel 28mm carbon guns are far more buoyant than a solid teak gun but they kick like a mule in comparison.
You might find a handle here MAKO Spearguns - Store
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