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European spearfishing supplies

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Mar 17, 2004
Anybody know anything about these guys? Been trying to email them but getting bounced. Are they still in business?
As far as i am sure, although don't quote me on it, the site as you know it for buying spearfishing gear is no more. Not so sure about the travel business though. I think they may be regrouping.

I hope this helps.
Reactions: Pastor
Cheers, too much like hard work. Who is the next nearest Rob Allen dealer? Need some new shafts and don't really want to buy Riffe and am totally hacked off with the usual stainless bendy toys
Reactions: gutshot
try dave, he might not have rob allens, but he probably has rabitechs which could be more or less the same
Reactions: gutshot
Cheers, my mate has been in touch with the RA factory and they gave him the new email address. Thanks anyway
My mate brought my new shafts this morning, they came from Dave apparently, are you the dealer for Rob Allen again
Anybody know anything about these guys? Been trying to email them but getting bounced. Are they still in business?
The website has been back on line for sometime: European Spearfishing Supplies

I think Paul was running that side of things and now Colin has taken over -- looks like somebody forgot to pay the bill for a short while. Good to see RA still in the UK (Portland Oceaneering also had some RA spears last time I was there -- a year or so ago).

[I vaguely remember reading somewhere that Rabitech use(d) RA spears.]
I may well have this bit wrong but I think that when my mate got in touch with Mr C he referred the order to Dave. If that was the case it would seem that ESFS have at least for the time being stopped selling RA kit (or at least shafts). Perhaps Dave will put us all right.
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