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EVERYONE CHECK THIS - It's serious and very bizarre

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Mom: "Casey, don't go into the water alone darling."
Little girl: "But mom, there's a dolphin there, hey I think it has a present for me..."

Okay, I admit, I'm fond of offensive humour.
I think that the issue of capturing animals for such cause in non-war times is questionable (I doubt they were effectively used in the Iraq/Aphganistan war or that they have ever been used against terrorists in the american continent).
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Mom: "Casey, don't go into the water darling...there are sharks around."
Little girl: "But mom, daddy is swimming...why can't I?"
Mom:"Oh...he is insured."
I don't know what people can say about this...Training dolphins that way is seriously bad idea and letting them escape is even worse :rcard

I did not belive it could be true while playing Red Alert 2 :ko
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