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Everyone seems to want to come to California . . .

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Deeper Blue Budget Bwana
Jan 13, 2004
Every few years, we get some unusual species along the CalCoast. This year they're not only unusual, they're down-right hazardous! Give this a read [ame=http://www.spearboard.com/showthread.php?t=46847]Spearboard Spearfishing Community - Eerie Encounter at the Rigs...[/ame]
Great story , love squid barbaqued served on a stick at the food court at Robinsons in Cebu,PI washed down with a green mango shake.
that sounds crazy.. i know there have been reports of lots of giant squid near the piers for nightfishing.. they are definitely not to be messed with.

thanks for the tip. ill keep that in mind.
i might just have to borrow some of my stepdads lower sportfishing gear (40-60lb) and head out around the newport harbor mouth or just off the piers and turn some lights on into the water.

charge the glow in the dark squid jigs, drop em down and HOLD ON

doesnt sound like a bad idea. itll be a nice change.
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