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Ex smoker Needs Your Help

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New Member
Aug 6, 2003
Hey everbody,

After lurking around this form for a while I would like to pose a Question. I am an Ex Smoker for about 4 weeks now (I smoked for about 3yrs.) ,and I'll be going into USAF pararescue training are there some ways for me to increase my lung capacity?? SO that I wont be at a disadvantage to the none smokers. I apologize if this topic has already been discussed but I could not locate it.thanks in advance for your comments.

P.S. All of the PJ guys reccomended me asking this form due to the fact that u guys are so good:D
In my opinion the most important thing in your case will be cardio training. I assume you've been doing that already, so your lungs will already be in extremely good shape. Most of the crap that was in them from smoking is already gone.
You could do some pack-stretching (be careful), and even some 4-way torso stretches without packing will open up your lungs a bit. But again I would think that a pile of cardio is more important, especially with your test coming soon.
If it's breatholding, try some relaxed statics: 4 in a row with a 2 to 4 minute break in between them. You'll probably be doing all that water-harrasment stuff, so getting control of your mind will help you be able to relax when they're pulling your mask and snorkel off. If you have to do underwater swims, practice streamlining. If you're swimming underwater with no fins, hopefully you can do a good u/water breaststroke (very different from surface stroke). If not, look at Topi doing a 60 metre deep dive with the proper stroke: http://www.divingfree.com/html/videos.htm
I think you probably know a lot of this stuff and I don't mean to insult you if you do, but you're not too specific on what you need to learn, so there's a few ideas! :)
If there's more, feel free to ask, and we will help as much as possible.
Good luck!
Erik Y.
Thanks Erik I have been doing alot of cardio. And you didnt insult me. I appreciate your help.

I am also an ex-smoker Josh, so I appreciate some of what you're going through. Hopefully you've made up your mind to quit! It's been 11 years for me, and I still miss it sometimes :(
Erik Y.
Erik gives great advice as usual.

Josh, I'm also an ex-smoker (15yrs x 3-4ppd) and new to freediving.

Dependent on the quantity smoked and length of time smoked, there are reversible and irreversible changes that can take place.

Three years of smoking usually isn't sufficient enough to cause an impoverishment in the elastin content of the connective tissue of your alveoli, nor conversion of your cilia to smooth-cell mucus producing cells in your bronchi. and As Erik pointed out, the burned plant material should be hacked out by now. Tar takes a bit longer dependent on how rigorous your ingestion was.

Despite the negative input I've given myself (quit 4-years now), my cardio continues to improve as does my ribcage and lung flexibility (measured via lung volumes) doing the same stuff Erik has recommended.

Keep up the good work with quitting! The pay off is still way better than giving in to the cravings

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Thanks Erik and Darryl for the inspiration and advice GRADE A nothing less expected.

Hey Erik I think you have a bit of a fan club going :cool: keep it up boys

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