Hey everbody,
After lurking around this form for a while I would like to pose a Question. I am an Ex Smoker for about 4 weeks now (I smoked for about 3yrs.) ,and I'll be going into USAF pararescue training are there some ways for me to increase my lung capacity?? SO that I wont be at a disadvantage to the none smokers. I apologize if this topic has already been discussed but I could not locate it.thanks in advance for your comments.
P.S. All of the PJ guys reccomended me asking this form due to the fact that u guys are so good
After lurking around this form for a while I would like to pose a Question. I am an Ex Smoker for about 4 weeks now (I smoked for about 3yrs.) ,and I'll be going into USAF pararescue training are there some ways for me to increase my lung capacity?? SO that I wont be at a disadvantage to the none smokers. I apologize if this topic has already been discussed but I could not locate it.thanks in advance for your comments.
P.S. All of the PJ guys reccomended me asking this form due to the fact that u guys are so good