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Exeter Fishing finally on!!

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Spearing at Budleigh with Pekka.. huh.
That would be something between reef hunting and swimming contest.
Currents there are vicious and in order to get to reef you need to swim against it, either on way to there or back. And you cannot stay at the reef since current will push you away from the reef. In order to get back to the reef you have to fight the current again.. Swimming contest, that is.

Jez! I am sure Budleigh will do just fine... but I have to agree with Tuomo, little bit sporty the spearing at the reef... but I have to say it is very good when you know the spots... ask Nikos...
Oh and Sidmouth I have gone there few times, only once I have come back without a Bass.. so it is not the worst place on this planet.. right around the righthand wave braker on high tide... fairly good stuff..

Budleigh though, man I am on to it every weekend, have some videos of diving there.. Cuttle fish and Mullet and Bass.. all sorts of stuff there.. only the boats area a trouble.. I almost got sucked into the river too once..last summer vicious high tide there..

I would give you my mobile number but I left it at work and dont have the number here.. hope your back gets fixed and anytime you come to Royal Bank of Scotland just look me up.. I'll be there dying of boredom... every day..


Hopes Nose sounds good.. do you have car? any weekend would do for me..
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Hi Pekka

Thanks for the info. Sadly the back is still pants but I have just managed 30+ lengths of the pool for the first time in nearly 5 weeks now :crutch (and it felt so much better than lying on the floor). Doesn't really matter anyway as there's a bit of a delay in ordering some of my kit. Will let you know when I'm sorted.

As it happens I'm probably off to Hopes Nose this weekend but will only be using rod and line. I'll let you know if anything more interesting than a mackerel is landed . Yes I've a car so can bugger off to the coast whenever possible (usually surfing but if this spearo thing is as fun as it looks that might change!). I go down there quite a bit when I go to visit my girl's folks (good excuse to go fishing while she catches up! ).

So what's the viz like at Sidmouth on a good day?
Jez, I hope you join me to fish the local waters... I am glad to hear your back is getting better.. Little bit at the time does it..

Viz at Sidmouth on a good day is about 5m to 6m from surface to bottom.. I have seen some Mullet and BAss there also slmallish eel.. which swam right into my speargun tip.. I didnt shoot it just buped against the tip of my spear.. like asking to be shot.. but if you are in good shape and have a car and time.. I would definately recomend Budleigh over Sidmouth.. and Sandy Bay will be under investigation tomorrow weather permitting.. I'll take some pictures.. oh and I'll PM you some info that might intrest you.. (videos from my trips to Budleigh) hope your catch is good this weekend and I'll look forward seeing you some time for some diving..

Tomorrow is the time.. Budleigh trip is in order.. Will post some pictures later.. hopefully whole load of different stuff..
the weather finally gave in and sunny with nice north western wind.. I can handle this..

Start time 7:30.. and water temp mild 14C ish.. viz great! current moderate.. no sand flying just bits of kelp here and there.. I swam out to my spot for some morning diving.. I hear a motor right next to me while on surface I look up and there is a man in Picasso suit looking at me.. "Good morning" "Hello",
"I thought you were someone else", "Ok, where are you heading?", dude points towards east, "the reef is there" I nod "Ok Perhaps I will see you there".. the guy drives away for his fish I dive quickly I can hear his motor running above my head and so comes the 5pound bass for a morning suicide..

Gotta love those morning crazy fish.. and the rest of the day was filming and trying to dig crabs out of their holes.. now good advice would be appreciated.. can I get the crabs out of their holes with little coathanger hook.. my hands were useless and the gun even more so.. I found some very decent sized crabs under rocks there..

here is the bass though.. 5pound beauty..

happy hunting to everyone


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Nice bass Pekka,you can buy crab hooks from most dive shops that have a spear at the other end for flatties.
thanks I'll take a look tomorrow or monday and let you know the results.. as I am on HOLIDAY so all diving no work!!

Happy weekend,

Here is what Sandy bay looks like today... fairly good spots I found and am looking forward to take part in comp next month..

No fish this time.. but that was not the point of my dive today.. photos..


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Nice photos.
You have probably found the main area at Sandy Bay, but in case you haven't, most of the fish will be caught in holes on the two fingers of reef which come off the headland out towards the sewer buoy. The tidal run can make things quite sporting!. Normally a good selection of fish come out, bass, mullet, plaice, triggers, red mullet etc
Scouting is always a good idea, but remember you cannot carry a gun in the competition area in the seven days before the comp
Today it was Budleigh all over again.. heavy current, bloody tiring work to stay on the reef, and jellies were flying by like starships on timewarp. I got to the beach this morning at 9:50.. twenty minutes past high tide.. bugger, I run to the reef with my fins and held on to a bouy to calm my self down to get better aspettos.. I drifted over the reef looking down and did first few dives to known good bass spots and got nothing, only few lonely pollacks swimming by looking lost.. I thought to myself perhaps I had come too late, better to go further out to sea.. but before turning the swimming gear on I did one more dive to a good looking spot and voila, I was facing some 5 fair sized bass on my left, but to my bad luck the fish were behind a rock and I couldnt swing my gun to them.. I decided to try "Ntrik" special and retreated further away form the bass and turned to wait. and like from my greek friends advice had predicted the fish came to look more closely.. I picked the closest one and pulled the trigger.. fish sunk to the bottom with my spear, I thought "stoner" good work Pekka.. smile and everything, but when I pulled the fish towards the surface I could see fish swimming, but only a little and when I got the fish in my hands.. saw where I had shot the fish.. through its lower jaw! How crazy.. I dont konw how the spear managed to impale the lower jaw of a fish.. but there it was.. I took care of the bass there and ended its misery..(does lover jaw of a fish have some calming effect on a fish?? as this one didint put up a fight after being shot? any experiences) the rest of the dive was dedicated to getting crabs out of their holes.. managed to get one with my hands.. not a great success as it ripped my neoprene glove.. left indexfinger is not in good shape anymore.. and later on I threw the bug back into the ocean..

Here is few shots from Budleigh from today.. wrasse in picture are common sight at every reef in UK I think.. pretty but not very goodeating.. I leave them alone.. they provide no challenge for a hunter..
which leads me to a question in BSA comp do wrasse score any points??

bass (4pounder) with spear hole on its jaw and budleigh reef.

Happy hunting to everyone!


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Pekka nice one..Another Budleigh mission accomplished! My guess is that after the shot on the jaw the bass was rendered speechless and hence succumbed without protest..

Ill be bringing a 58cm Mares Sten along for those holes just in case..
Nice one..
I am thinking of the same.. I shut the mouth of the hungry bass with meal of steel.. made protesting difficult..

yes bring all you got man.. we'll hone out every red mullet we can find with them.. I'll keep the bass away with my t20 while you work..


Pekka, I believe that in this years BSA comps Wrasse are excluded completely
Confirmation - this year Wrasse are excluded from all BSA comps. Each club that organised a comp (Sussex - for Bognor last month LIC - Talland Bay in September and the BSA committee - double header in Aug Branscombe and SandyBay) decided not have to have Wrasse in their individual comps. However, this is not written into the BSA rules so this might change next year (personally I hope not, I would like to see Wrasse alwasy out). Thanks Clive (BSA Sercrectray).
you still spearing i need a buddy and im in honiton

Hi Honiton,

This thread is from 2005......try posting in the devon and dorset threads you might find someone down that way. I live in Taunton so will give you a bell when I'm next diving if you want.

Hey cool story thanks for sharing. I fish off of the south coast near exeter all the time. Id be keen to go for a fish with you at some point this summer if you are keen? Have you seen any mullet this year yet? I have seen a couple of bass but the visibility is really bad. Hopefully it will bring the mullet in soon but to be honest it is a bit early for them so far. Id love for you to check out my website. I am looking to do some more articles about fishing around exeter area so maybe you could help me with that? it can be found here: Spearfishing Magazine
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