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eye pain

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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2002
I was freediving over the last few days in Kona and I got a terrible pain in my left eye. About my 7th or 8th dive at about 60ft I noticed a pain in my left eye that increased as I went deeper. At 70ft I had to stop and return to the surface. I adjusted my mask in case it was some sort of weird mask squeeze. I made two more dives with similar results and called it a day. The next day I went out and had no problem for at least 10 dives, then it started again, around the same depth. My eye looked normal, no blood vessels ruptured, and the pain stopped as soon as the pressure decreased. This is the first time I've ever had any problems like this. Anyone have any idea what it might be, or how to stop it? Thanks

The simplest solution would be to have your left eyeball surgically removed (Joke!).

Maybe there is an air bubble in or around the eye? Never heard of this before.

Eric Fattah
BC, Canada
I've had this!!

i totally forgot that i ever experienced this until i read your post.
this has happened to me once, during the very first time i scuba dived (in a swimming pool). obviously it happened in 2-3m of water. i felt quite sharp pain around my eye - actually it felt like it was behind my eye as i remember. after the dive, i mentioned it to my instructor and he had never heard of it. in fact, i've never heard of it since, until now, and i've never experienced it since either.

unfortunately, i can't offer you any good advice about this. all i can tell you is that i've been there and know what you're talking about. my suggestion is to find a really good diving doctor and ask him about it. it must be some form of pressure effect. there must be some pressure differential near the site of the pain - it's the only logical answer really. perhaps for some reason there is an area near your eye that equalises in 99.99% of cases, but not in very rare circumstances, due to some form of blockage, due to a cold, snotty goo getting somewhere ???

good luck, and let us know what the diving doctor says.

Thanks Alun and Eric, I did have a bad cold the week before and a little residual snot in my sinuses. I'm going to California for a week and I'll see a doctor about it when I get back if I still have it.

If I remember the picture correctly, there are 8-10 sinus cavities. All of them are around the eye. That, combined with the fact that pain can appear to come from a different point than the problem, makes tracking down the culprit difficult. Doesn't care, the solution is the same. When it hurts, stop the dive, unless you enjoy a mask full of blood.
I had this happen for the first time in my forties (sharp pain over the eye). When we were 9 or 10 we learned to lock the eustachian tubes open and descend as fast as we could swim. Then I 'discovered' sinuses. I had to start holding onto my nose, like when you have a bad cold.
Kona vog (volcano crap) has been bad, off and on, for the last month. Even paradise isn't always perfect.
P.S. I figured out how to use my brother-in-law's pentium machine (almost like the Mac) and it sure is cold on Vancouver Island.

Tooth pain now eye pain - can ass pain be far behind ? Ass (can) pain far behind ? Behind (ass) pain can be far . . . . .
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