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Fancy spearing this Tigerfish?

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At the beach!
May 24, 2005


  • TigerfishOnSteroids1.jpg
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  • TigerfishOnSteroids2.jpg
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  • TigerfishOnSteroids3.jpg
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Reactions: Adrian
Bloody hell! that could do you a mischief if You upset it. If I speared that I'd be wearing those teeth on a necklace like crocodile dundee.
Wow!, never seen one of those, where are they found? Freshwater - salt water?
They are from Africa, fresh water dudes, open rivers and lakes if I remember correctly. Probably all crap and it's a salty dude from Indonesia rofl
Pastor is right. African freshwater species...[ame=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tigerfish]Tigerfish - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
When I was younger I once went to the Pongolapoort Dam near Jozini in Zululand (Northern Kwazulu Natal) and caught a few small ones with metal clark spoons and thick wire trace. What a fight they gave and I can imagine what the bigger ones are like. Lot of flyfishing for tigers goes on up there now too.
I bet that bad boy could do a family size Pork pie in one go and drop not a crumb!!rofl
I've got a byte from a blue fish early this year, that was no fun, I could not even think about getting a byte from one of those.
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