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favourite spearfishing Video/DVD's

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Gear Buying addict
Sep 3, 2005
Mine are:
1 - oceans in action 2
2 - Al Acecho 1 &2
3 - A journey through time with Demitris Tsenas
Mine is:
"L'Agguato Profondo E Altre Tecniche" for Giorgio Dapiran ----> My favorite ... though old (dates from 1998) and in Italian (which I don’t understand) but defiantly learnt a lot from it .. Amazing technique.
Mine is:
"L'Agguato Profondo E Altre Tecniche" for Giorgio Dapiran ----> My favorite ... though old (dates from 1998) and in Italian (which I don’t understand) but defiantly learnt a lot from it .. Amazing technique.
Is that the one where he is hunting Bass and Mullet? If so I would second that, it's a must have in my book.
I've copied thiese posts from the spearo book thread.

"Okay this is not a book but a DVD. That said I lashed out £25 for the DeepBlue DVD. Story of the spearo WR blurfin tuna capture. Didn't even realise it was a NZ thing, which is strange as I have just written about NZ in the last post.

Have only seen this DVD advertised by Apnea in Jersey. As my daughter was going over there for the day I stuffed some grubby notes into her hand with instructions to bring back said DVD. Spur of the moment thing to save the postage.

This is an hour long documentary about 2 experienced NZ spearo's traveling offshore to use their home made gear to spear a WR bluefin. These fish follow the giant factory trawlers fishing way out south west of NZ. On their first (only?) attempt they get one each. Biggest about 300 kilos (650lb), which apparently is the spearo WR.

You may have seen some clips which were available through some link here on DB last year? I saw them but hadn't realised it was from this DVD.

It is a bit of fun and well worth watching but certainly not exactly up to BBC documentary standard. Not really worth £25 but as it will I'm sure do the rounds it's the sort of thing that would be worth clubbing together to buy. Locals form an orderly queue and it might well make it across the pond in the bag of one of our summer visitors."

Second copied post.

"Al Acecho 1 and 2 are partly advertising for the guns used, made by Victor. That said they are impressive guns. However they are in Spanish although the second one is available with English subtitles if you can get it to work. Also the first one was critisised as it appeared to glamourise deep diving with long breathholds. The second one tries to distance itself with lots of disclaimers and less detail.

No denying these boys are good managing to take some big fish from overfished waters. The twin band aballan wood guns look impressive as you see them endlessly spear literally hundreds of fish.

Worth watching but not worth crossing the road to watch or paying too much for. IMHO anyway."

I've watched a few DVD's over the last couple of years. Seen at least one by Giorgio Dapiran and remember it was good but not much else. Think it belonged to Ed (Portinfer).

Somewhere I have a video of some French or Spanish guys diving in an artificial breakwater somewhere in the Med. They go right inside it even surfacing in air pockets. Mainly shooting bream and bass plus a few mullet. Enjoyed it but it was one of those "region" specific vids and I could only play it on one video player. No longer have the player so :rcard.

Soewhere have the DVD about diving the D Day wrecks spearing big bass, big pollack, big cod and a sizable turbot with a trident headed spear. Some French guy who can dive deep and stay down forever.

Had the Escalapez DVD about spearing mainly bass off the Raz area of the Brittany coast of France (I think that's right). That is a great DVD with some great performances from the ex world champ. Amazing footage of shoals of hundreds or even thousands of huge bass.

Have to dredge my memory (God, I hate being old) 'cause I have watched some more but remember even less about them.

I have 3 spearfishing Dvds i watch

1) Chasse Sous Marine Avec J B Esclapez
2) Peche Sous-Marine Sur Epaves Avec Christian Andre
3) Blue Water Dreaming The Pinnacle

The J B Esclapez is full of bass and i have heard stories that all the bass were netted around a rock so he could film and shoot them.Even so it's a great dvd.

The Christian Andre dvd is based on the WW2 wrecks of Normandy and is very good showing both technique and fish.

The 2 dvd's above are great as they show conditions and fish like our own.

The Blue Water Dreaming dvd is as you could have guessed a different kettle of fish.Shot over a place called the Pinnacle in Mozambique featuring a South African called Stinstadt.The vis is incredible and the fish massive.He shoots 75kg's of fish in 3 dives fights for his catch with bull sharks and while he's returning to the surface from a 30m dive a 300lb+ marlin passes over the top of him and he never sees it.

How long before a UK spearfishing DVD is made?
I have 3 spearfishing Dvds i watch

1) Chasse Sous Marine Avec J B Esclapez
2) Peche Sous-Marine Sur Epaves Avec Christian Andre

How long before a UK spearfishing DVD is made?

Ah! yes those are the titles of 2 of the DVD's. You're not as old or senile as me John that's why you remember.

The UK spearing DVD; That'll be the one with an hour of thick fog effect culminating in accidentally hand spearing an 8oz mullet in the gloom. I'll watch that one .

yeah its the one am talking about Pastor !!
amazing haa?
Yes, that is probably the word. It's great to see a skilled hunter with some pretty basic looking kit showing that it's the skill not the state of the art gun that catches fish.
Ive moved this from the BOOK section........sorry :rcard

I have, over the last 3 months built up a nice collection of dvds which i watch from time to time with much WHOOTING AND HELL YEAH been screamed at the tv.

PescaDelsur.com Entre corrientes - is my latest purchase, no talking so no need for sub titles. I enjoyed this dvd as its just a camera man and sometimes the camera mounted on the gun

spearfishing in the coral sea - this is one of Rob Torrelli dvds and very enjoyable although I found it hard to relate as its nothing like our seas

Spearfishing safari - same as above

Immersion 2 - is a classic and very well put together dvd with some stunning fish

Freediving adventures in vanuatu- another rob torrelli film

wildblue a newzealand spearfishing experience - some monster fish taken in this dvd.

extreme blue water action. - packed with marlin, tuna , wahoo and dolphin fish

Un dia Con Jose Amengual - my first ever spearfishing dvd and although there is very little action in it I still enjoy watching it.

spearfishing at lofots Norway. 25 minutes long with pollack and cod taken but the sound goes out of sync in the end and its just too Damn short .

Peche Sous marine en normande 2005 - I love this film and its free

Peche sous marine en normande 2006 - same as above .

has anyone gone on xterme spearfishing and watched the videos on there? you absolutely have to, there is this guy 'Pollik' in a couple of them going like 100ft and shooting 40# gruoper plus full lenth dvds i paid like 5$ to subscribe, because i like to support things like that, but i think you can watch for free, ther are like 20 videos on there and i have never heard any of them metioned here. plus in the us we have a tv show about spearfishing but i cant think of the name , it is on sunday mornings , "ocean hunters "i think, cool show!!! freediving exotic locations, big fish, killer! ADRENALINE spearfishing.com heas a selection of videos that is awesome, i think there are a few not mentioned here
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Old Man Dave;695344This is an hour long documentary about 2 experienced NZ spearo's traveling offshore to use their home made gear to spear a WR bluefin. These fish follow the giant factory trawlers fishing way out south west of NZ. On their first (only?) attempt they get one each. Biggest about 300 kilos (650lb) said:
I have watched the vid (thanks Dave) Good stuff - just so far removed from my type of fishing as to be the opposite! Still I really did enjoy the vid
Might build a tuna gun one day just in case rofl
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