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Fighting Wetsuit

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Morone saxatilis
Mar 8, 2003

I'm off to baja next week to get in some spearfishing for the first time in a couple of years, and I'm reluctant to leave my wetsuit situation as status quo from the last trip.

I wear a 5mm suit w/ front zip and custom back zip which I added so I could even get it on. There is no problem w/ water exchange so I'm glad I altered it.

Anyway my problem of course is the 30 minute epic battle that causes profuse sweating when attempting to pul this thing on. There are three solutions to this problem (as far as I know, not includding freezing appendages off).

1: Lycra skin suit
2: Baby shampoo or similar lubricant that wond degrade neoprene
3: The "lube suit"

The first two are self explanitory but I haven't tried either, advice would be appreciated.

Number three is a non-woven polyethylene baggy suit that I can only find info about from the propriators website. I've also found polyethylene suits w/ stirrups from hazardous waste/ industrial supply companies from 10% of the price.

If you guys could let me know how to mitigate my struggles it would be greatly appreciated.

get another suit

It seems to me that you need a new suit. 30 minutes to put it on? You're probably breathing really hard with your heart rate way up. Neither is good for freediving. There are very good suits that are affordable, you just gotta look around. Try looking in the Deeper Blue Store or Adrenaline Spearfishing. Both have quality suits at really good prices. I'm not sure what you mean by a polyethylene suit but is this like a dry suit? I don't think you need a dry suit diving in Baja. Besides, using something recycled from a hazardous waste company can't be good for the environment or you for that matter. I don't know if you could load a gun with a suit like that without tearing or damaging it. If anything, try using a little lube to help you get in your old suit. I don't know how much it help getting into a nylon interior suit (I'm assuming this is what you have) but for open cell and even coated open cell suits, the lube is wonderful stuff. Don't skimp out on a crappy suit, get the good stuff and you will enjoy your dives that much more.

Brad :martial
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The polyethlyene suits are all brand new I don't think anyone would be aloud to recycle them. The concept is to wear them under the existing wetsuit as an alternative to the lycra skins.

The wetsuit fit is, I think, pretty good. Might have exagerated a bit as I've never timed myself...just looking for an easier doning/doffing if possible.

Maybe the key would be to drop down to a 3/2 ti for baja's 50-60 degree water.

and what lube would you suggest?
If you're going down to a 3/2 suit, I'd highly suggest you put the $ in & buy a picasso suit from the deeperblue store.

These suits are a hundred times better, more flexible, & warm than any regular neoprene suits I've tried.

Use a little conditioner with water & it'll slip on like... uh, :eek:


You really can't go wrong with them.
A lycra skin under the suit would help keep you warmer and maybe make getting in and out a bit easier. As far as suit lube goes, most guys use either mild hair conditioner mixed with water or dish soap diluted with water. If you read Terry Maas' book Blue Water Hunting, he suggests using a non scented hair conditioner as pelagics are very sensitive. My dive partner has been using whatever kind of hair conditioner he could steal from home and he consistently shoots more Ono than me who prior to this week has been using a nylon interior and no lube. A 3/2 may be a little thin for 50-60 degree water. I would stay with a 5 mm suit. If you start to overheat, you could alway pull open the hood or neck and let some water in to cool off. This is much better than freezing after an hour and being forced out of the water just when the action starts picking up. Whatever you decide to do, just dive safe and have fun. Oh if you shoot something really crazy, don't forget to post some pics.

Brad :martial
weird but works
a new friend of mine went diving with me for the first time about a month ago.when he was putting on his wetsuit he put a large plastic baggie over his foot and pulled his wetsuit right on.i thought he was joking but it works:D
I just ran upstairs w/ a trash bag in hand and gave it a try. that really works great. Only problem was trying to pull the bag off after the suit was on. Did your friend leave the bags on or did he have heavy duty plastic that he pulled off throught the cuffs?:hmm
no,he had like a 2qt.plastic baggie that pulled out fairly easy.aslong as the majority of your foot is covered it works pretty good.

Put your sockies on first.
The suit slides over that easy too. Who ever remembers to bring little plastic baggies ?

I ended up using 'tall kitchen bags'. They worked perfectly; coming up just past my knee. I also just left the bag on under the suit which helped while doffing it as well as keeping my feet a little warmer. My dive buddy made fun of me on our first dive and then proceded to use the trash bags on every subsequent dive. I'd recommend throwing a box of them in w/ your dive gear.
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