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Finally A Large One! Spearfishing Antiparos-Schinoussa Islands Greece

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Spearfishing Life

Active Member
Mar 12, 2019
A trip in the Aegean sea with two early morning dives at Antiparos and Schinoussa islands!

Lionfish everywhere which i make sure to remove often and add to the day's menu.

A large Goldblotch grouper that got away and another one that didn't manage to escape!

The only thing i had to do in order to catch it, was to put my head and hands, in the hole of the Moray eel it was hidding!

j'ai mal à la tête devant ces va et vient saccadés de caméra.... sur des roches sans intérêt...pas un poisson en vue ! mais de belles boules de carburant !!
tout ça pour une petite badèche !!! ce n'est pas demain que j'irai chasser là-bas !!
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