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Finally an introduction. Hello.

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New Member
Jan 23, 2006
My name is Mike and I reside in Calgary, Alberta of Canada. Now those that are in the know this is an area devoid of ocean or really any local bodies of water. But none the less I have developed an interest in what some say is human aquatic nature. This site has led to a great wealth of information regarding apnea and the like. Thank you to the community, that's you that are reading this.

Here follows what has developed my interest in wanting not to breath or at least being able to put it off for longer than otheres think sane.

A friend and myself recently began to frequent a local public pool as sort of an obligation to become more physically active. Much of our time is spent hurling ourselves off high dives and the like trying to get the better of eachother. Just trying to impress the lovely life guards I admit. But the benefit of all of this is that to have an olympic style high dive one must also have a deep body of water to jump into. Here lies to be our newfound dive tank. All be it only 5m deep, it's amusing looking back at the first attempts of reaching the bottom. Now we strive only for more depth etc and have moved to distance back and forth diagonally across this 20m by 20m jewel.

You get the picture, unfortunately I could ramble on for quite some time, so I'll cut off here. Not your typical freedive experience I guess but it's a start for the two of us. References are in the plural since my friend Bryan has no computer.

Thanks again for such an informative site.
Reactions: DeepThought
Re: What homunculus means


It's a nickname some of my collegues gave me, it relates more to the medical orientation of the two halves of the brain. Really just a joke 'cause I'm a short guy and it means "little man."
Greetings from 285 km to the north of you. If you ever want to go freedive spearfishing, let me know. We have 5 or 6 active freedivers and spearos in Alberta. We have a little club and are very active in the summer.
Erik Y.
Hi Mike and Bryan!
Good to meet you-

From an ex-prairie pool dwelling lifeguard turned BC open water addict,
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Welcome aboard! Glad to see another Canadian about

Prince George, BC here.
Do you have any gear yet? I am also north of you but we also do have a member returning to Calgary.

Welcome to the forums. I am on my way back to Calgary, which once upon a time drew enough freedivers to host a performance freediving clinic. Lake Minewanka nearby is a fun dive and you can tool around inside the pumphouse at about 60 feet.

Jer and I would be happy to hook up with you guys for some training once I'm back in town.
Thanks for the hello everyone.

It's great to see a number of fellow Canadians along with the rest of you. I'm sure I'll eventually bump into some of you in the future. Until then I'll have fun, learn up on the sport, and get some gear 'cause all I've got is flippers and a mask/snork combo. No cold water stuff.
Ciao, Mike.
Amphibious said:
Welcome aboard! Glad to see another Canadian about

Prince George, BC here.
Yeah its great to see another Canuck join DB...

Welcome Mike,
I'm from Parry Sound, Ontario.

Hey Mike, I'm finally back in Calgary. Jer and I have been talking about getting out for sushi or maybe to one of the local pools. They used to have a cheap night at talisman where we would go mess around in the deep tank. Not training really just a bit of playin around. Anyway would love to meet another diver in the area, drop me a pm if your interested in meeting up.
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