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FINALLY...just 'bout finished

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Aug 14, 2007
Been a few months since I started my gun project (http://forums.deeperblue.net/hunting-equipment/74368-biulding-carbon-teak-gun-babysteps.html) and they're finally beginning to look like guns.

The smaller gun (52"/133cm) is 6 teak lams with 2 carbon strips, and the larger gun (60"/153cm) 8 lams with 4 carbon strips, enclosed track except for the first 5-6" and back 2-3"- The carbon was necessary due to the guns shape, a rhombus is it??? picture 2 pyramids, 1 upside down- very hydrodynamic (difference is kinda like running your hand vertically through the water and then horizontally) they carry 2 shafts (9/32 & 5/16), they can be set up crimped on the fin, or with a slide ring, (my original idea was to have the 5/16 as a free shaft), the spare doubles as a "shark pick". The "Vader Muzzle" is stainless steel, its flaired out for a clear shooting plain and is in line with the shaft, it also serves to ballast the gun (which is wider than it is higher and very bouyant, the spare shaft also ballasts the guns). The smaller gun will ideally have 2-3 bands (can be set up to 5 5/8 or 9/16 bands) and larger up to 7 (with a kitto trig), I used the trig mech, with auto line reset from Steve Veros for both guns. They both have "Band Tamers" to keep unused band in place along the bottom. The area to mount the reel has an Ipe wood inset, the butt is Bubinga wood with a OCHD pad (think 1.5" of wetsuit material), the handles are removable, made in plexiglass to which a moldable marine putty will be added for a custom fit.

The guns pictured as of yet are not finished (the smaller gun just needs to have the muzzle set, and about 2 more finish coats, and yes the bands need some figure 8 knots)

How's it look so far?
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Reactions: Pastor
Here are a few more pix, on the larger gun you can see the "carbon gills" I think that looks pretty coool, tomorrow we will start the UV coats
as of yet it only has penetrating poxy
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Looking good I like those band tamers, I haven't seen those before
WOW! Those guns look great! All the fish in MIAMI are on notice, "their days are numbered" extra spears for sharks! I love it! I am not putting pics of my guns on site now. They pale in comparison.Do you sell em?
Interesting design mate good luck with the epoxy finish - you might need it.
Thanks for the compliments,

jtk, a couple of local dive shops are interested in distribution, had a EM that was interested in buying the design rights (its what my business does) but we could not come to an agreement...just as well, prefer to keep it on the DL, tweek it some more.

Thx Fox, thought you'd like that Darksiderofl muzzle, very multi functional, as for the poxy its actually not too difficult MS diluted to about 30% with xylene, heat gun & apply, wood sucks it right up.
Thx Fox, thought you'd like that Darkside muzzle, very multi functional, as for the poxy its actually not too difficult MS diluted to about 30% with xylene, heat gun & apply, wood sucks it right up.

OK I read your post incorrectly, I thought you were going to top coat with epoxy!
I make all types of guns I just prefer to use Mamba air guns.
So what are you going to use to finish the guns?

First off HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE On this great forum, hope 2008 brings you health, wealth, happiness and plenty of fish!!!!!!!!

Finally finished these proto guns and hopefully will try them out this weekend...whataya guys (and gals) think???

The picture show
a close up of the muzzle (in line with shaft) about 4" at widest,
a spare shaft carried on the gun (with fins in barrel) its also a shark bayonetrofl, close up of "spring lock" holding spare shaft, a crimped line or slide ring can be used or it can be freeshafted, "band tamer" hold bands not used on underside of gun, handle is 2 part moldable poxy for a custom fit and is completely removable for travel, smaller gun is 8# with 2 shafts and larger is 10# both rear handle and have a Ipe wood inset for reel, note the guns "wedge" shape which makes it surprisingly hydrodynamic, these are my first guns and I'm stoked with the results...can't wait to see it perform.

If any local guys can volunteer to video the trail performance it would be great PM if your game!!!


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some more pix, did I tell you how stoked I be:friday


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and the last of'em, check out the clear shooting field

Next in the works is a lighter version 2 band gun same shape, but only one shaft, much narrower, as well as a carbon tube hybrid, with a surprising difference (that I hope will work)


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Reactions: octpora
some fish is gonna get a piece o that! Prretty nnnice swwwweeet
hey, nice guns - looks like a very uniform finish , how many coats of epoxy did you apply? - did you use anything else as a top coat?
hey, nice guns - looks like a very uniform finish , how many coats of epoxy did you apply? - did you use anything else as a top coat?

2 layers of penetrating poxy (west system, diluted and applied after heating barrel) sanded to 100 grit, about 10 coats Helmsman spar urethane satin, sanded to OOO wool...next time will probably go to tung oil KISSS
dude! I would be afraid to be in the water with you! lol that thing looks powerfull where do you plan on using it ? key west, miami beach, offshore? I usually hunt the elliot key area I cant see my self shooting anything with that ! maybe a big cuda!
dude! I would be afraid to be in the water with you! lol that thing looks powerfull where do you plan on using it ? key west, miami beach, offshore? I usually hunt the elliot key area I cant see my self shooting anything with that ! maybe a big cuda!

Theyr'e actually for bluewatewr...in the process of making 4 other guns trim down version for reef.
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