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Finally My First Woody... Hayaari Is the Name...

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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In My Solitude...
May 14, 2006
Well... almost finished... waiting for new trigger mech and aluminum reel then have to balance it and will be 100% ready to go..

Gun is made from six Teak laminates sealed with epoxy resin then catalizer varnish. Its a 110cm from rubber hole to first fin tab in shaft. 140cm total size. It shoots a 6.5mm catapulted by 2x16. I want to try a 7mm with 3x16 (what do u think?)

The two floats was a target shot from around 6 meters away... Visibility was real bad i was hardly able to see the target from that far. These rods thru the floats are just so u see where the shots went thru..


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I too have just completed a 110 project in teak. I have got all the parts assembled but I am struggling to get hold of 150mm * 6.5mm spears with shark fin tabs. :head
Where did you source yours from?
Has your gun got a rail? If so why not use a 140 Riffe from Apnea or an Alellansub from subprof? The 150 is only needed on a standard euro to counteract the sag in the centre of the gun.
Hi Speeero !!!!!

Nice gun you have there....

im sure many will find this interesting...just state these :

Post some more pics..
give some info on your production ...
trigger mech description !!!!
Handle -how u made it !!!

Give us a story on your nice gun !!!!


one good looking Gun:friday
i hope it will be a good pal for spearfishing
wish U the best

i hope to finish my gun also ASAP
Nice gun, man. I wish I had the ability to make one like that. Congratulations. Hey, what does Hayaari mean?
Hey thanx guys.. i was getting worried here hehe..

josedesucre said:
Hey, what does Hayaari mean?

Hayaari is an old arabic word that means freedive... pearl divers where Hayaaris

Does it sound nice for the brand name?

George... I posted one more pic. I thought i gave a pretty good short discription.. Anyways the trigger is an undersee which i think is Junk... so i ordered a proper one that im gonna swap out.
The handle was cut to general shape from a teak plank then simply carved out and sanded till it fit nice in my hand.

I took the gun down yesterday, unfortunatly no big fish to talk about but i was shooting small about 20cm two bar seabream just for target shooting from distances between 5 and 7 meters away and would hit them right on!! By the way they didnt go to waste.. i gave them to friends were fishing on the boat heh... Anyways the gun is very accurate and powerfull. I have not balanced it yet.. so it always wants to float even with the spear on... so i think when i put the lead in and weigh it down, it will shoot a lot smoother and even more accurate (right?)

Theres many more guns to come:friday
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mabrouk on hayaari!, its a great looking gun, a couple of questions though..
1 - is the cross section hydrodynamic enough for easy side tracking?
2 - i thought 7mm shaft would be a bit better for twin 16mm
3 - is it easy balancing the gun for different setups (6.5, 7 mm shaft)
Thanx Marwan!

By cross section.. do u mean the barrel? If so, yes side tracking is good but could do it a bit sharper angle next gun.

The 6.5 shaft now with the 2x16 is working like a charm and i love it.. i will try the 7mm spear.. i got one but it didnt fit that trigger im using now.

Ease of balancing the gun? What do u mean by that?
For now i just put about 150 grams of weight in the front and plugged it.. that was based on current setup... i didnt weigh it in the back cuz im waiting for the reel, which will add weight in the back then ill add lead in the handle if needed, and ill make that so i can control the amount of weight for when i want to use a different shaft.

i hope i answered ur Qs.

Zane, i just noticed the title of the post, could really be twisted around by some of our sicker members here, like me hahahahaahahah
"finally my first woody'' then you decide to name it
cheers man
Poacher... thats exactly the reason i hated that trigger... its the line release thing... if line is just a bit tight then the bloody thing wont fire.. other than that ya it definetly does the job.. if u see.. i put the line release on the top of the gun away from where it should really belong.
Sorry for calling it junk.. i shouldnt have, as i know many use it... but sorry i cant.... its JUNK LOL:martial Hey no hard feeling just messin wit ya.

Marwan... Well...

Heres the first decent yeild of Hayaari


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I'm with Marwan. I haven't opened the thread until now because I was afraid it was a testimonial for Viagra.
Woody or viagra aside, what the hell happened to your wishbone?
Good fish dude, nice going
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