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Finning Technique

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Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2001
The Question:

What finning techniques work best for various freediving applications (dynamic apnea, depth, etc.) and what training drills help develop good technique?

If folks with expertise or experience would be willing to share their insights, we would be grateful.

An interesting thread on the equipment forum (Need advice on fin type) raised the question of which fins are best for dynamic apnea. One of the spin-off questions raised was finning technique (thanks Ossi).

this is a test.
This was a test because 30 after i tried to sed a quote and I couldn't. I have been swimming for 11 years for competitios and I learnt the meaning of goud technique.
I dont thing tha I have the time at this moment to give you all my knowledeg but i can tell you the reazon for the need of perfect technigue. This is the power managment and the
maximum input and output power. Using the best technique you can produce maximum output power with minimum input power . This is the key for deep dives. There are some standard stroke technique tha provide these corect power managment. I have too tell you tha I can decribe you what is rong and what is corect move of your legs and your fins. My english are not so good. but I can give you some good exsersise for legs , and the right position of the body in the water. Exsersises: swim with legs stroke only with your body to the left , to the right . This provied a total submerged of the leg and fins which is stimoulate the work of your legs wen you dive. Wen the right leg is from the
outside the left hand is in front and near of your head and wen your left leg is from the outside the right leg is in front and near your leg. All your body have to stay in one line.Anything is out of this line produce resistance. You should know tha legs stroke use more energy than work that they produce.In swimming we use themm as litle as we could . But heare we have to learn how we can use them with the minimum cost in energy. Every 5 , 6 strokes one breath . We have to repeat 25 or 50 or 100 meters for 10 to 20 times. This will give you the chance to fined the corect way to kikc and provied the power of aerobic system . This mean more stamina in legs fatigue and in foot crambs . Exsersice b : Swimm with your body fron and back to the water . This exsersice is very good for strong end in your stroke. with small and long fins .The repetations is the same as in exsersice (a. Your body have to be in a line again . Soon i will send you some fotos so you can understand something you couldn't for my words .
i dont know if this has anything to do with it(well its not an answer to cjborgert's question)

but what muscles should i work on during the off seasons?
I go to the gym so i have access to almost all of the imaginable equipment there

right now i do most of my work on the quads and hamstrings some work on calves and alot of upper body stuff (read alot) i also run at a good pace most of the time i go to the gym

My opinion

My opinion for what muscles should i train is simple but first I want to know if you have an accsess to a swimming pool. For me this is the most sirius part of your training. The training in the gym shouldn't be a primary goal.We wont to
train our shelfs in similar ways we dive.This could happen only in the water. The water is the invironment your going to challenge. with machines you train your legs but the goods you take for this trainning is almost useless in the water because you perform not similar moves tha you perfor in the water. I am not saying tha you have to stop working on the gym but this type of training i use it for the first 2-3 months in my training for basic topic endourance. At this moment I only swim and use a lot of time my long fins. You can provide of cores basic endourance with cyclink and ranning . My advice is to fined a swim trainer a begin from the basic kick technique . As you lern the right technique start use sort fins and at the and start use your long fins. I think tha put create you more quastions but quastions will lead you to answers . I heard that the best freedivers use the gyms a lot. This is something that i am not sure about it .For sure they training in the gym but for periods 2-3 months. Dont beliave all the things you hear. My last advise is to stop taining your uper body in hy tension. This is not give you something special . We need strong an big hart , big lungs . The keys are running , swimming , cyclink . swim a lot as you can . use your legs in the water as long as you can. There are more endless advises nad methods but this is the risson to find someone to know the right way for safe training and maximum results

I've recently been experimenting with one-arm extended positions to maintain good streamlining without the energy expense of extending both arms above the head (especially tough in a tight wetsuit). I figure I need the other hand down for equalization anyway (I cannot yet frenzel without plugging my nose).

I've found it is very important to maximally extend the arm into a very straight, almost rigid position with my ear squeezed close to the bicep. . . just passively pointing the arm above the head does not maximally streamline the body.

You have to play with the degree of extension a bit to find the balance between conserving energy, relaxing, and maximal streamlining.

The other arm needs to be tucked neatly on the chest with the fist pushed beneath the chin so the fingers can reach up to pinch the nose. Press the elbow toward the navel. This accomplishes two things: it puts the forearm in the wake of the face and chin, and keeping the forarm on the midline of the body rounds the shoulder, thereby reducing drag. The trick is then to learn to maximally relax in this position.
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