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Fins for up to 20 meters

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Roatan joao

New Member
Feb 8, 2008
Any suggestions for freedive fins up to 20 -25 meters? We do a lot of over reef diving on our way to drop offs, so we need something that we can get from the shore to the drop offs. So in a nutshell its 50% reef diving 50% deep dives.


I think any freediving fin that fits Your feet (and Your budget) will be good for that.
The Cressi Garas and the Omer Millenniums have a reputation for being rugged and good value, try both on and get the ones that are more comfy, I say.

safe diving! :)
The cressi gara 3000ld are good for long distance swimming and decent for dives down to 25m. But that depth is reaching the range where the 3000ld is probably going to be a little soft. I've heard from several people the gara 3000 (previously known as the gara 3000hf) is a very stiff fin so it probably wouldn't be great for long surface swimming. The Omer Ice fins are supposedly great for surface swimming and for dives down around 30m so they may be a good compromise. I've heard some people say they break and some say they've had them forever and they're tough as nails. So you may want to read a few threads on them. Anyway just a few suggestions. Happy Shopping.
Thats the same information I was gathering. Its difficult because of the amount of distance for us to get to the drops, (with no boat used). And we like the idea of the effort it takes. We have no access to buy the fins here so we have to be really sure on it. We have been using standard dive fins and they are starting to max out on what they can do.

Thanks for all the tips!
I only know of two ice fin breakages, one was an early model & the other was replaced free of charge.
You need to worry about fit for long surface swims. Cressis are narrow, Imersions are wide. The rest seem to all fall in between. Any freediving fin should get you that deep. In 2003 Martin Stepanek went to 70 m with no problem with cheap snorkeling fins at the Pacific Cup. Yes, I know, he is better than some of us ; ). But it still shows that most fins will work.
How big are you and how strong are your legs? I use medium blades (SpecialFins medium fiberglass and imersion green) because I do a lot of surface swims. Divers who weigh more tend to have stronger legs (they get a workout just walking) so they can use a stiffer fin for surface swims. You will ahve to decide. Just don't get caught in the trap of "real men only use fins that can't be bent". It's surprising how many new divers fall into that. I have worked with several divers over the last few years who swore by stiff fins, but got 25 m faster and more easily with medium or soft blades.
Good luck
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Yeah I agree, sometimes everyone gets caught up in what everyone else "thinks" is right. I was gravitating to softer free dive length. I am not small 6'1 245 lbs. So my legs are strong. Thanks for the tips!