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Fins Shaping

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New Member
Oct 17, 2005
My girlfrined currently uses a pair of Omer Millenium Winter. But as she is only 1m50 tall, the fins are too long and too difficult to move. I think I will shorten the fins (5-10 cm).

I would like to understand the differences between the different shape we can find on the fins market.

What are the mechanical advantages and inconvenients of the following shapes (see attached pictures):
- A: Beuchat
- B: Breier
- C: Cressi - Gara 2000
- D: Cressi - Gara 3000
- E: Dessault or Sporasub
- F: Imersion
- G: Omer - Bat
- H: Omer - Millenium
- I: Omer - Millenium Rekord

Which shape would you advise me to reproduce on the cut fins?

Thanks for your help.



  • Fins shape.JPG
    Fins shape.JPG
    38 KB · Views: 191
Can't give any advice on shape of the fin end, but it is probably more important to avoid having a shorter fin that is way to stiff. A small person needs a very soft fin that bends easily to get efficient propulsion as well as being light enough for the available muscle. If the blade is tapered(and removeable), it is better to cut away the base than the end. You may have to sand down the thickness of the fin and taper the thickness. Assuming the foot pockets accomodate interchangable blades, you might want to consider a pair of composite blades as soft as you can find. Some makers, like Specialfins, will make blades to order.

Good luck

regarding tailends i have observed that square shaped fins (garas) are a lot easier to control than round shaped fins (sporas). without rails, that is.
i can't imagine that the finer differences in the main form, like the little cutouts, would make a huge difference in the feel of the blade.


If I understand correctly your advice, instead of shortening the fins I should work on the base of the fins.
For example, I could perforate the base of the fins to diminish the water grip and "soften" the fins.

nikho_mo said:
If I understand correctly your advice, instead of shortening the fins I should work on the base of the fins.
For example, I could perforate the base of the fins to diminish the water grip and "soften" the fins.
What Connor meant, was disassembling the blade from the pocket and cutting off part of the base (reproducing the original shape) and then mounting it back again. Or reducing the thickness hence the stiffness - softening the blades with sandpaper.
I am afraid that drilling holes into the blade may cause unwanted turbulences that may greatly harm the hydrodynamics. The hole also may cause the blades to bend with a wrong curve, or break. Exchanging the blade for a softer one, or sanding it off is what Connor advised, and I think he was right.
Originally Posted by trux
What Connor meant, was disassembling the blade from the pocket and cutting off part of the base (reproducing the original shape) and then mounting it back again

Trux. But it is impossible the cut the base and reproduce the original shape of the base. How do you reproduce the rails on which the lateral "arms" of the footpocket fit.

The blades I mounted are already the softener (Omer Millenium Winter).
And I think it is too early to buy a composite blade.
Sporasub have shorter soft blades for sale.
Also custom makes like specialfins and sebak or leaderfins can make you any length
Check also Carbon tek in spain
I have a pair of 2000hf garas. I sanded down one blade trying to see if it would soften the blade. It made a little difference, but not a whole lot. It might have worked better if I took off more thickness, but I didn't want to overdo it and ruin the fin.

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