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fins, which ones???

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New Member
Jul 18, 2006
i already have scuba diving fins but have heard not to use them.
first of all why do scuba and free divers use different fins?
secondly what fins would you reccomend? i want all rounders but will primarily be wanting ones for distance rather than depth if that changes anything.
i will be doing alot of close to the cliff dives so shouldnt be all that deep.

Major differences in fins.

1) Length
2) Stiffness
3) Foot-Pocket

A deep freedive fin.

1) Is long
2) Very stiff (platic or carbon)
3) Full Foot pocket

couple reasonable priced fins I have had.

Cressi Gara 2000 HF 66 Euro, I find them medium power

Sporasub H. Dessault 74 Euro, I find this fin quite a bit stiffer than the Gar 200 HF, and very tiring for surface swimming.

A SCUBA fin.

1) is medium length
2) soft material (split fin is popular these days)
3) often has a heel strap (so you wear with boots or dry suit)

Mares PLANA Avanti Quatro 77 Euro, very sturdy good nice efficiency I have a model that is 12 years old now, and it is still a good fin.
Atomic Split Fin Pro 108 Euro, very efficient feels slow when going fast (with heavy drag - think low gear)

Problems with a SCUBA Fin in Freediving.

1) Slower, more energy required to get deeper
3) poor power transfer (loose foot)
4) less control for direction (with split-fins, and open-heel)

Problems with Freedive fin SCUBA diving

1) tire your legs out (too much power for how much resistance you have)
2) blister your feet, the fins move too much compared to how much you are moving
3) cold feet, because you are moving less and you can't wear as warm of a boot.
4) difficult to backpadle (also true with split) and difficulty in caves and small spaces

With that said. It isn't really that big a deal.

For I hybrid fin I have not owned the following fins but have friends that do.

Cressi Pro Star 33 Euro, full foot, decent blade. I have used this one before and it is pretty nice, but nowhere near as fast as real freedive fin.
Mares Plana Avanti Tre 40 Euro, full foot, similiar to the Quatro Avanti, I used an older version of this with the heel strap and it was pretty nice

Both these fins are popular with people, who play underwater rugby or hocky

All prices are from http://shop.deeperblue.net being delivered to Germany (as that is where I live)
thanx, i currently have the typhoon hurricane proably the most uncomfortable fin on this planet and very awkward to get on and off, great fun when the make you walk in and out the sea with them on in full scuba kit:crutch
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