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Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
Try the deeper blue shop (see menu at top of this page). Just about the best prices around, be careful of shipping costs , though.

Hi harpune1.

Don,t know where you live in Austria, but you will get the Cressi 2000 hd/ld or the 3000 in nearly every divingstore. Maybe you have too ask the people there.
Visit the other austrian freedivers at www.freediving.at/forum
Maybe some of us can help you, and maybe we can go diving together. We have also possibilities for training near Vienna.
More infos at www.aida-austria.at

See you.
here i recommend BREIER modele , you can get them to
www.scubaland.fr, they are really good for the price , and shipping are not expensive... otherwise cressi brand, but that not the same....... godd luck
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