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Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Jul 5, 2005
a lot of you guys probably use freediving fins, so i have a few questions if you dont mind.

what depth do you hunt?

were they worth the cost?

do you use them in all diving or do you have some short fins for diving around the rocks? (i'd be paranoid about getting them all scratched up, my fins take a beating in some areas)

and one more question, if i was to bite the bullet so to speak and get some longfins, say the esclapez green (only ones that they sell locally) what would it do to my time in the water? i wouldnt consider myself an extremely strong kicker, but i can spend 6-8 hours out there with my short fins without getting any cramp.

i dont want to sound like a cheap person, but i really cant afford to buy something that wont work for me, i do a lot of my diving in 30 feet, but for a long time. sometimes i'll dive to 50 feet but im not physically ready for extended hunts in 50 - 60 feet (where we have some monster reef fish), but that doesnt mean that i wont be sometime in the future (near i hope)
I hunt shallow these days, normally under 30 feet but I'll never hit 50 again but freediving fins are just the best mate. No two ways about it if you freedive you need then, dont be worried about justifying the purchase I use mine everywhere, open water, in between rocks, they are beaten to death lol but they still work as new. You'll find once you get used to them than your legs will be no different to what they are now after a long day but they may ache at first.
You've probably read about stiffness and leg strength, so you would probably want a softer blade, the Esclapez would be fine, as would Omer Milleniums, both a good quality non expensive (rather than cheap), having had both, I would favour the Omers for they're interchangability even though they are a little more cash, that way as you progress and decide you may or may not want a stiffer blade, its less of a problem
I have one dive where I prefer jetfins, it's less than 10 ft of water on a jetty where you spend as much time climbing over rocks and into holes as you do swimming. Otherwise longfins are far superior. Find a pocket that fits your feet and preferably will fit blades made by waterways, leaderfins, specialfins, etc. You might want to upgrade in the future. For starters, a soft blade is probably best.


Where are you located?

If you are in US I can help you with several options for fins from standard fins, Competitions packs with two pairs of blades to custom made blades ( Leaderfins.
Send me a PM.



Scuba Fins (idea3 strap fins) if less then 10ft
old Cressi Gara's in warm water to 100ft
OMER Bat fins in my wetsuit, Cold British Columbia Waters, so far to 50ft.

I love my omers but haven't taken them overseas yet (my deep warm water diving), but so far they are my favorite of the bunch.
not in the US, i live in barbados, which sucks because i really would preffer to try on some different fins (just to see how the footpocket feels) before i buy... i think i may put off buying for a month or so, and explore all possibilities (might take a vacation and head somewhere with a freediving shop)
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