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first contact from paggman

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


New Member
Dec 8, 2006
hello evryone, this is my first contact i took me a while to set up my registration but during that time i read threads and learned quite a lot , thanks

Ive read a lot of threads concerning breathing up techniques and the reasoning behind proper breathing up techniques. Some of these seem to be a bit contradictory and i'm not to shure which to pay closer attention to. Also alot of the info seems to come from what i would call pure freedivers(they dont hunt.)I could probarbly be wrong though. Im very interested in info on how to combine these techniques with hunting. Could someone clarify the relationship beween blood co2 levels / diving ability,acidic & alkaline blood states. Ive been spearfishing for about a year and a half now .I can easily dive to 45 feet and be very comfortable. Ive done this on my own with no training at all. however i know that im ready to carry spearfishing to the next level. I was a heavy smoker up until one month ago. How long is it advisible to wait before i begin serious consistent training, could i be stressing out my lungs. After trying some of the basic breathing exercises i read about in threads, i've experienced that my body reacts in a totally different way when i dive . could someone outline a basic breathing up exercise that i could use to start seeing some inprovement on dovn time. Spearfishing has become an irrisistable passion for me,so much so that i'm worried about advancing ton aggressively , any advice.

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